Feb 04, 2011 10:21
Orientation is coming!!! *flails* I think we're mostly under control, but of course there is a massive amount of stuff to be done, some of which is time sensitive (ie. can't be done until a certain time next week). One more week of prep (in between 2 more training days and all the bloody meetings) then two weeks of Orientation madness...I'm both excited and dreading it. It's going to be some seriously hard work and long hours (I've already done 2h overtime every day this week, so I'm taking a half-day and going in late today since we're also working tomorrow. 6 day week, oh goody), but it is going to be mad fun at the same time.
On Wednesday my next delivery will arrive. 5060 pieces of delicious chocolatey goodness. That's 465 packets of Tim Tams! I'm still unsure where we're going to put them.
So yes, at the moment it's all work-work-work. I'm starting to despise Powerpoint (10 days of Orientation means 10 seperate slideshows that have to have the same information but match each days seperate timetable and presenters etc). Almost all the printing is done, and I've been banned from finding errors in things any more because it's too damn late now. We had our first Training Day 2 (TD2) on Wednesday which was a loooong day of running around, but fun and I think it went well. We have another TD2 session tomorrow and on Tuesday next week. It's interesting being on the other side of the training, something I've always enjoyed :)
Other things I could post about... dinner out three times this week (Jaffles, dad and trivia), and supposed to go out again tonight to see The Beards play but they're not on until 11pm and I have to be up at 6 for work... we shall see. I'm also having a terrible run of clumsiness, especially for foot injuries. Kicked my toe last week and took a chunk out. Fell over while climbing a stationary escalator at uni (pointy metal stairs owwww) and cut my other foot (stupid sandals) and bruised my elbows and kneecaps, then spent far too much of TD2 crouching or kneeling waahh. And on Sunday's sewing day I kinda stood on my pincushion and had to then pick needles out of my foot. Bah! And my back is killing me.
Anyway, time to go in to work and try and stop Sabrina (my boss) from killing Mark (our liason for a new project we want to start during semester who is RICIULOUDLY overexcited and loves to email us every half hour with a new thought or a 'just FYI' or a meeting request) since I've already gotten 3 new emails from him this morning.
pn gig,