Jun 13, 2006 21:26
I'm sure when the idea of study leave was first invented, the point was that people stayed at home and revised...
But where's the fun in that??? So yes, in the three weeks since I left school, I have been at home for a week with my sister, during which I did NO revision, I have been to Starbucks four or five times, seen the Da Vinci code, and had two exams. Plus, I've had my dad's birthday, and three weekends where I've either done nothing or gone shopping. So I think I am totally defeating the point of study leave at the moment!!! Oh, and I've got one other day of exams this week (Thursday), but I'm going shopping tomorrow afternoon, and then I'm not at home at all on Friday, or for most of Saturday...My spanish exam should be FUN...
And Da Vinci Code. Yes, I know this about three weeks after everyone else has seen it, but meh. Hmmm. It was a bit weird. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, especially since it was a little bit overhyped, and then every review the week it came out said it wasn't very good. But I thought it was nicely paced until about half way through, when it got sooooo slow that it seemed like they were stringing it out so that they got their money's worth out of Sir Ian McThingy. And was there ANY need for the overly graphic flagellation/cilice belt bits??? Methinks not!
Ooh and I had my last last filling today. No more sadistic dentist, who only does ONE filling at a time. And tries to force things between my teeth when there is quite clearly NO space between my teeth, because my mouth is actually too small for all of my teeth, and its only because my wisdom teeth are slightly smaller than average that I don't need to have any teeth taken out.
ONLY 6 EXAMS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maths yesterday was ok...quite a fair paper, and I managed to answer everything, and the only one I know I've got wrong is only worth one mark. Which (I hope) is a good omen! I've got another two on Thursday, and then the other three are next week, but I can't think of anything to revise for French or Spanish...all my tenses are ok, and I don't really see the point in trying to learn loads of vocab because I'm never going to learn every word in either language, and I know the important ones. Physics synoptic will be fun though, The only thing I can tell you (Which might not even be one) is: V = I x R (which I hope is Voltage = Current x Resistance) but that's a GCSE formula, and I don't really know it...damn.