((Me, Valentines Day 1988))
Valentines Day 2005 is...
<3Waking up refreshed and awake for the first time in a long time, listening to Imagine That (Ani).
<3Calling my Yai Yai to wish her a happy birthday and almost crying because I miss her so much
<3Chickening out on asking someone out when I had the perfect opportunity...damn it! I'll do it Wednesday...
<3Eating at Pastabilities...mmmm romaine and tomatoes, pasta and parsley and garlic...
<3Deciding to officially go vegan consistently
<3Getting a 98 on my music theory assignment....highest score yet!
<3Feeling the cool breeze brush my fingers in the mist walking down Grand River
<3Thrift shopping :-p
<3Talking to my little bro on the phone and making dinner plans with him so he can bring me stuff from home..in MY car :( how i miss it
<3Having coffee with an old friend from home...catching up...reminiscing about our Valentines we spent together last year going out on the town in our finest, smoking pot from a strawberry hooka with random ppl we just met, drinking melon Boonesfarm and playing poker in a hottub....then talking about being ANTI Valentines day
***<3Getting home and finding an old-school style Shrek Valentine slipped under my door by DKR---Thanks guys! That made my day!!
<3Feeling like my life is so good...and that I put too much value in things that don't really matter...and that I should appreciate the really amazing stuff that happens to me before I let it all pass by and neglect to experience it