Transvestite, Drag Queen or King or other highly visible member of the GBLT/P/L alternative lifestyle to act as bodyguard and personal confidant in a GBLT/P/L hostile work environment. Preference given to Super Hot Queens with mega ‘tude, or anyone who will fit under my desk. Please leave your resume and picture as a comment. Interviews to
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I am sorry we both have to deal with this... It drives me crazy when they all discuss the sermon from Sunday (6 of them go to the same Cathedral), their Country music drives me up a wall... but I let them be... This went a little too far.
We just have to keep ourselves in check... it is probably better for a little piece of my soul to die than a big chunk of their body *repeats to herself*
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Really, I don't mind the music so much, it is more the volume... and getting yelled at for turning it down when they are away from their desk for lunch. All being fair in Love and War, I will occasionally leave my Computer Radio on the Opera / Classical station.... and lock my keyboard.
When I started working there the first week I learned the mapping software, how to query, and all the words to "I love this bar" by Toby Keith. And oh the blank stares when I tried to explain why I'm not having a Catholic wedding. Booo!
Yeah... that is part of the reason that I didnt' tell anyone here that I was getting married until after the fact... They would ask me every day after we got engaged if we had made plans yet... Comming back from Vegas and having them ask how my weekend was, and seeing the looks of horror and shock on their faces when I rattled off "Then Easter Sunday we got married in the drive thru...." in the middle of the trip review. (oh, it was marvelous!)
These are more "Earl's Gotta Die" kind of Girls, but still... *shudder*
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