Help Wanted: Transvestite Bodyguard

Jun 08, 2006 10:04

Transvestite, Drag Queen or King or other highly visible member of the GBLT/P/L alternative lifestyle to act as bodyguard and personal confidant in a GBLT/P/L hostile work environment. Preference given to Super Hot Queens with mega ‘tude, or anyone who will fit under my desk. Please leave your resume and picture as a comment. Interviews to begin immediately.

The girls at work were just talking about someone they knew who had recently gone to Vegas and ended up seeing their cousin (referred to as “her Aunt’s Son”) perform... turns out he had invited them to tell them he was gay and a female impersonator.... they were all freaking out and griping about how sick that was and shouldn't these perverts just be killed....If a man wants a woman why doesn’t he just get a woman instead of going gay and getting a man that looks like a woman?... But thankfully they are just in Vegas so we are safe and it is okay... I exploded a little... tried to explain to them that
A. these people are not freaks; they just chose to live their life differently.
B. You can love someone not based on "their junk" but who they are as a person and the Junk comes second.... and
C. There are in fact Drag shows Here Where they live... at least once a week.... And that should not make them feel "unsafe" It is not dangerous, contagious or in any other way a menace to society! I offered to take anyone who wanted to go.
OMFG.... I have never heard this room so quiet!
*hides under desk*
Okay, now they are talking about how to boil potatoes... that is better than silence.
Fuck. I just shut them up again... =(
They were comparing this meat and potatoes dish that two of them had made for lunch today... one was clear and the other was cloudy and greasy looking.... they came to the conclusion that they both tasted good and really pretty much the same, to which I declared "Cool, two things that are made of the same stuff, and make you happy, but look completely different, isn't it neat how that works out?" I can't even talk about friggin potatoes now.
I think I need to hire a Queen to guard me….

gender, stupidity, help, ignorance, work

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