[Could be a Song Lyric] 2

Jun 10, 2018 17:56

Hey, you

Thank you

For this feeling you taught me

For everything you made me feel

For the hope

For the heartbreak

For the care and fond

From me to you

I don't know about you

I just know that I do care

And I wish you'll never forget me

As a friend

We're friends, after all

I know I can't be with you

(at least now)

And we never know what future will bring

But I think I'll surrender

To fate

To God's hands

I'll stop hoping

For now

If we're meant to be then we will be

But I'll expect nothing

Because this feeling has been hard

I never know how to love someone whom I don't know whether I'll end up with or not

Yet I still fell for you

You, who are totally wrong for me

You, who turn my world upside down

You, whom I desperately hold back my feelings for

I'll never show

I'll never admit

Just here

I spill out all of it

That I miss you sometimes


Every day

And we're gonna be apart soon

One of my way to move on

To grow up

To find another one who won't break my heart

I am fond of you

I really am it hurts

But with that feeling I also learn to let you go

I anticipate to not have you

This situation sucks

Sometimes I did hope you're different

But I asked myself, if you were different,

Would I still fall for you?


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