30STM in Knoxville, TN (6-22-06)

Jun 26, 2006 16:48

Pictures here: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v110/worshipglamrock/30STM%206-22-06/

Full Size Pictures: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AWULFOXQ

Videos here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RQ4K3ZB6

TN is hot. And apparently it doesn't believe in wind. At all.

The 9 hour drive was some sick form of torture and it only got worse from there.

We saw Jared at the hotel looking like 'little boy lost' and traveling in a black Range Rover (fucking moron).

The Subway that the lady at Starbucks told me 'wasn't far' was far and it was sweltering. I was nothing but sweat when I got back. Almost passed out in the hotel room.

Had to redo my hair and make-up.

We waited in line for about an hour (saw Matt and Tomo though)....and then I remembered that I forgot my ID. It was an 18+ show, so they'd be checking. The manager said he had to make me go back and get it, but that he'd let us cut the line. Yeah, thanks.

Got back and the guy taking tickets was trying to make me laugh by going, "See, I knew you were over 21....but that guy. What an ass, right?" And then he gave me a Mars glyph stamp to the hand and their stamp and complimented me on the glyphs I'd drawn on my arm. "You did a good job there, it looks just like it", motions to the stamp.

I bought a red dog tag from the new Merch guy....who is not as friendly as Colin. I am sad.

Inside wasn't much cooler unless you stood under vents in the ceiling. So I went through 3 bottles of water, using them as ice packs as well as fluid.

Agent Sparks was good. The Audition was decent. Tomo was standing next to me during Agent Sparks. Wouldn't have even known if my mom hadn't come up to me after AS and said, "Did you notice Tomo standing next to you?"


Then, the stupid fucking Mars techs take a full fucking hour to set up. AN HOUR AND IT'S LIKE 100 DEGREES OUT! The girl in front of us passed out while her boyfriend was getting her ice. It's really uncalled for. It was too fucking hot for that shit. I was so mad.

The show was good....but I don't really remember it. The only thing I remember is something Jared said when people were requesting songs.

"'Year Zero'? There's only three people up here who know that song. You don't want to hear that song. You'd just pretend to sing along anyway."

God, he can be a real prick when he wants to be.

That, and being able to actually see Shannon playing. It makes my hands twitch. The drummer in me gets antsy while watching good drummers.

The best part was after the show.

We sat in the car with the AC on for about 20 minutes. Then headed over to the bus. We sat down next to these two girls and a guy (who was very sweet later and actually let me go up to Shannon before him). About 15 minutes later, Shannon comes out.

So I work my way over there, and let everyone who getting things signed go in front of me. Cause Shannon always asks who wants what (pictures or signage). So the guy tells me to go ahead on before him, and I get Shannon's attention.

Shan looks at me and pauses. Then motions me over. My brain is going, oh shit, he recognized me. He puts his arm around me and leans down slightly. Then he leans close enough that I can feel him. Then his head is against mine. And I laughed. Cause it was just kind of there and it made me laugh. So the next thing I know, I can see his face turning towards me out of the corner of my eye and every so lightly he presses a kiss to my temple. Mom snaps the shot. I thank him, and he squeezes me to him. When he finally let me go, I almost ran. My heart was pounding, but I wasn't shaking like any other time. It was just that bolt instinct that I have when people are nice to me.

In the meantime, Matt had come out. So we went over and waited for him. When he finally noticed me I asked for a picture and he said, "Sure. Hop on in here." *snort* So I got a quick picture with him, and he gave me a tight squeeze too when I thanked him.

After that, we waited almost a half hour for Tomo and Jared. We were both falling asleep on our feet and I was about ready to pass out (which I did for a few moments on the way back to the car). So we left.

As we're driving out of the parking lot....there's Tomo and Jared. Jared stared at me in the car. So I smiled and waved at him and he smiled real big at me and then had to turn around to do a picture.

And that's it.

And I am so fucking exhausted from yesterday still....so I'm out.

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