
May 18, 2007 15:03

Is it just me, or was the season finale of Grey's massively underwhelming last night?

Thinking back to this time last year (is mildly terrifying, but I'll do it for you) I was knee deep in final nonsense for graduation and I literaly stopped what I was doing for TWO days (do you remember? How we were tortured like that? Oh the horror) to think/write/talk/read about Grey's. I had exactly six days to write my thesis and I used up a third of them stressing about fictional characters and their fictional lives.

This year, I sat with my roommate and we were both kind of like, "eh?!" I picked up the phone in the last 20 minutes of the episode. If you know anything about me and my appointment television than you should know-- Prince William could be calling and I would still hit ignore and then call him back at the end of the show. But Becky called and I was confident that I could walk away, make plans for the weekend and come back and not have missed anything.

Also? Christina's dress? Completely out of character.

Anyway, it makes me sad that I don't care about these people anymore. Although I do know I can pretty much pinpoint the moment I stopped caring as being the moment that Izzie and George did it. I don't care what kind of cockamammy excuse the writers have for doing it-- its pandering for viewers, because if there's anything this show needs its more inappropriate relations between coworkers/married people.

Not everybody commits adultery, right? Did I miss a memo? There are people in the world who don't sleep with their coworkers and manage to stay faithful to the person with whom they have traded vows? Okay...just checking.

I've lost a lot of respect for the writers of this show over the past dozen episodes or so. Do you remember the first season (and to a large extent, the second season)? This show was just so.real. Every moment felt like it was ripped out of my/my friend's lives and replayed with more attractive people who were trained to do surgery.

Anyway...we'll see what next season has in store-- but its going to take A LOT for me to start caring again.

And while I'm blathering on about things that don't matter-- I've kind of broken up with Jim Halpert. Yes. Its true. Listen, I love him and his goofy hair and his funny pranks but when you strip away all that cute exterior bullshit-- he's kind of a dick.

Here me out psycho-Jim-lovahs, I have a point.

Okay, so he decided to come clean with Pam last season. And that was pretty much the television reality of all of my secret dreams and she rejected him and it was super sad. So he left. I'm fine with his behavior so far-- what gripes my ass is his behavior once he came back. More specifically how he treated Karen.

Sidebar: I think Karen's comment about Pam being a bitch was WAAAY out of character and a bizarre move on the part of the writers. End Sidebar.

Like, make up your mind Charlie-- either you want Pam or you want Karen. And when you decide what you want do not continue jerking the girl around. and DO NOT just LEAVE her in New York. Please tell me that there was a break up scene that was cut because from my perspective he just abandonned his girlfriend, who pretty much laid her heart out there for him, in the city.


I feel much more empathy towards Karen through all this because she's had to deal with the doubts and fears about what Jims true feelings towards her/Pam are. And that blows. Believe me.

...okay, I just realized how long this is. I have to stop.
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