Tweeting it up

Jul 14, 2010 21:01

  • 03:49 You may need to be protective of your feelings and might attem... More for Scorpio #
  • 11:10 Making chris's breakfast I hate mornings #
  • 14:07 @ blindingechoes I saw that!!! That made me happy!!!!! How are you sweetie? Other than happy for your mum!! Tell her I give her hugs! #
  • 14:14 @ blindingechoes Well, I'm glad for that. *huggles* I had another thought bunny I'd need to run by you, (cont) #
  • 14:17 @ blindingechoes thought bunny, plot bunny, they're the same things, just one hasn't fully developed. #
  • 14:20 @ blindingechoes You aren't getting sick again, are you? *sends warm huggles* #
  • 14:30 @ blindingechoes Yeah, I don't want you to either. I'm breeding my pets again. Whatcha up to? #
  • 14:33 @ blindingechoes Try sweet talking it, I want your computer to work! *is in no way being really weirdly selfish (cont) #
  • 15:03 @ blindingechoes any luck with the computer? #
  • 15:17 @ blindingechoes Well, restart it, I will be here, putzing around waiting for people. #
  • 15:19 @ blindingechoes You know it miht just be the flash games, I've noticed they give me hell lately and slow down (cont) #
  • 15:26 @ blindingechoes I just died laughing, just so you know. #
  • 15:32 @ blindingechoes You are so very very wrong, the both of you, I love you for it. #
  • 15:41 @ blindingechoes What's wrong with world domination? #
  • 15:46 @ blindingechoes If the Government takes you away...can I have your stuff? #
  • 15:55 @ blindingechoes Well, Ok...And Awww, can't I at least worship the shiny Star Trek stuff like a good little fan (cont) #
  • 15:59 @ blindingechoes fine fine. I shall worship from afar. lol. So, computer working yet or not? #
  • 16:25 Chris is crying for the Doctor's Binky. I keep saying he doesn't have a Binky, Danny is now picturing the Doctor With one. #
  • 16:30 fucking wonderful, I have had nothing but dizzy spells all fucking day. #
  • 16:35 Oh lovely no my stomach too help me! #
  • 17:52 Is facebook being slow or not loading for anyone else? It's working fine on my phone but not from the laptop #
  • 18:01 @ blindingechoes Yeah, it started working for me again. And go lay down, we can be epic tomorrow if you're heads (cont) #
  • 19:07 This one time, At Witch Camp, I stuck my Wand up Tara's pussy....THAT's ALL DANNY's FAULT! #
  • 20:02 @ blindingechoes perhaps after dinners we can has AIM time? Maybe> If not is cool, I know you're not feeling your best. #

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