Tweeting it up

Jul 13, 2010 21:01

  • 22:20 RT @dealsplus: Win one of 20 iPhone 4's in 1 hour! Retweet this, retweet a deal or coupon, and follow #
  • 03:51 You have something urgent on your mind today and nothing will ... More for Scorpio #
  • 10:51 I should work on homework but right now I'm too lazy #
  • 12:50 Going to take a nap. Back in an hour #
  • 14:53 @ blindingechoes I know!!! I love her hat! We should be hat sisters. #
  • 14:56 @ blindingechoes Yes, We'll walk around in our nifty hats! #
  • 14:58 @ blindingechoes Oh no kidding, you should see me during Shark Week, no one can touch the TV when it's shark week or I grr at them #
  • 15:18 @ blindingechoes You know, I would say that's #ghettoliving if I didn't know @jedieyecandy did the same thing, (cont) #
  • 15:28 @ blindingechoes *huggles* I know, honey, I know. *huggles some more* At least it's food in your stomach that will hopefully stay there. #
  • 15:29 @ blindingechoes I don't know, but Damn if I don't want them! #
  • 15:30 I write like Stephen King. Proof: #
  • 15:31 @ blindingechoes I'm DVRing it, cause I still need to finish watching it...I should do that now. #
  • 15:33 @ blindingechoes only since the wreck. His old stuff is great. *is a Stephen king fan* #
  • 15:35 @ blindingechoes I blame brain damage from when he was run over by a van #
  • 15:39 @ blindingechoes yeah. Rewarching the pilot. I need to catch up on this show so Artie can be brought in. I love artie #
  • 15:43 @ blindingechoes I can do both. I need to tag with Myka and max #
  • 15:49 @ blindingechoes And tag with Myka and Max. Just let me know where you're tagging and I'll be there ^^ #
  • 15:50 Mrs Fredrick I love her. I almost want to being her in #
  • 15:53 @ blindingechoes whee!! #
  • 16:02 @ blindingechoes *hugs*. Oh and might have changed my mind about who I want kahlan to confess #
  • 16:04 @ blindingechoes one yes you should and here's what I was thinking car have an average human Zoe and immortal ianto. Why not a time lord? #

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