Broken - An Ana-Lucia/Goodwin music video.
Summary: VWP (Video without plot). Ana-Lucia is broken without Goodwin. Ana POV.
Characters: Ana-Lucia, Goodwin.
Pairing: Ana/Goodwin
Music: Broken by Seether feat. Amy Lee
Disclaimer: Ana and Goodwin belong to JJ. Broken is owned by Seether and Amy Lee.
Dedication: Dedicated to Keara (
lostdreamer56) cos we both know Ana/Goodwin is canon. ;)
Note: Wow, what to say? I like the way this video came out, especially considering the small amount of sceneage. I really love Ana/Goodwin and wanted to make a video for them; and even though the song is cliche, it fits. I think so anyway.
Feedback: Would be muchly appreciated. =) But if you don't like Ana and know you won't like this video, don't b*tch to me about it.