Before I even start, I would like to warn readers that this is just a rant. It isn’t anything of importance or hatred, just an escape of mine. Everyone has one of those, right? Surely, no one would condemn me for resorting to mine.
Have you ever watched a movie and thought about all of the so called ‘what if’s?’ I know that I have done so many times. Wondering what would happen if so and so did something different. It doesn’t matter what genre the movie is in, my mind constantly dwells on the ‘what if’s’ more that the actual plot line. The joys of being a dreamer, I suppose. Some people might say that is a good thing, like it keeps my mind on the ball since I am some-what of a writer. Others would say that it is a really bad thing (*Note: The movie producers may be included in this, but I won’t mention any names.) But why would it be a bad thing? Some might say that the movie should be followed as is and not altered within a mind’s playground. Odd, I know, but there are some like that. They might even say that the movie is perfect and doesn’t need any form of improvement. Then there is the group that doesn’t want the mind to wander into the depths and glance at the horrors of humanity face on. I suppose that is what happened to me. Then again, I suppose that watching war movies tends to leave a person in a dazed state.
So as I sit and watch a war movie called, Flags of Our Fathers, my mind drifts away from the plot line and dwells in a profound little area. It always starts as an innocent detour, before manifesting into a complete outlook on the world around me. So what are the thoughts that plagued my mind?
One thought stands above all the rest and it happens to be the first part of this entry’s title. “Where is the love?” Not only is it one of my favorite songs from B.E.P (For those not shorthand savvy, Black Eyed Peas) it happens to be a reoccurring thought. The world has grown so cold, that it isn’t even funny. It goes beyond color to a desire to hate those who are different. To those who are poor, rich, fat, skinny, pretty, ugly, artistic, stupid, spoiled, and so on and so forth. There are countless reasons for people to hate and it further divides society into crumbling groups fighting to survive, to hold their ideals true above the rest.
With that point stated, many wars are being fought. They just don’t get publicized on television unless it is something major. Now how can this be? I know many believe a war to be something like the US v Terrorism, or something along those lines, involving weapons of mass destruction, ammunition, foot soldiers, and other such war goods. And as true as that is, there are different types of war that isn’t so costly. These wars are fought on the mainland and in the hearts of every country. It goes beyond gangs to the conditioning/upbringing of the future generation. In other words, ‘hate breeds in the house-hold and prospers in society.’ If anything, think of hatred like a food chain. It starts in the seemingly innocent house-hold with a family. This family watches television, or goes out, encounters those that parents and/or older siblings dislike and the younger ones catch on. Before anything is known about a person or group of people, judgments are cast like stones and stereotypes live on. From the house, the children go to school and gathers with those who act the same way. I know that things have gotten minutely better, but the fact remains. The older generation sets the par for the younger and so many live in fear of stepping across the bounds to work for change.
I believe that in that little paragraph, I described at least three wars. So what are they?
Self v Stereotypes
Self v Heritage
Self v Self
But why would it be a self v type ordeal? Well, everything tends to run full circle and the stereotypes (for example) will be the Devil’s Advocate, playing both sides. It is the same for heritage, however the self v self is different. Self v Self is mainly the inner debates that go on within a person’s mind. Whether or not he or she should to do a certain thing or act a certain way. (The Fight or Flee philosophy could also fit into this.)
In all respects, there are many wars being fought. They just happen under the radar and impact so many things, ranging from the way people live to…..well just the way they live, for their lives mean everything.
And as much as I would love to continue, I am running out of steam. This might be continued on another day.
Night or Morning or Noon.