
Feb 08, 2008 11:58

I took Reagan to the park today. It actually went REALLY well, which makes me feel great. I know she had tons of fun. She actually utilized the play equipment this time around, instead of just wanting to walk around holding my hand. lol. I had to let her know that it was ok to play without holding my hand the whole time - as far as she knew, that was the only way to walk anywhere. She was confused when I kept letting go and telling her to go play! She caught on pretty quick, though, and still held my hand all the way out to the truck when we left.
There were about 4 other kids her age there, and no big kids, so it was perfect. She enjoyed watching them, and she loooved the slide. It took awhile to teach her how to get back to the top of the slide (she kept trying to go up the way she came down), but she finally learned after watching the other kids do it. She enjoyed the swings too, but only for a short time. Mostly she just wanted to pick up the sand, run around, and go down the slide. It was a very good trip, we stayed as long as I could manage it before I just got too tired and thirsty.

I always like when things like that go well, I feel like a first-class mom. LOL. I'm really going to do my best to take her at least once a week. I'll probably schedule it in my planner just to make myself do it, but it made her so happy and she had so much fun that it's more motivating for me to take her again. We didn't have a single tantrum until I actually started putting her in the truck, and that was a very short-lived one.

After Chloe arrives, I'll have to adapt some, but I still want to take her on a regular basis. She'll be old enough by then to mostly play without me having to hover over her, so Chloe and I can mostly just sit under the shade near the play area and watch her. It'll be really hot this summer, so I'll have to figure out how to manage it without having to cart Chloe around in a carseat (and a baby carrier would be WAY too hot for a long period of time outside), but I guess we'll figure something out. Maybe I'll just have someone come with me once a week, or at least as much as possible. lol.

Also, I keep having the craziest dreams. I mean, really crazy and realistic. Last night I had three! In the first, my back was really hurting and I kept asking John to massage it but he wouldn't. The pain eventually woke me up, and I was still mad at him for not massaging, so I snapped at him to massage me (lol, I was still half asleep ok?). I changed positions and it got better.
In my second dream, my water broke. I ran upstairs in a panic, and I could actually feel the contractions and they HURT and I was totally freaked out. I didn't have our bags packed, the crib wasn't assembled, it was basically like if my water broke tonight. I could feel every sensation like it was 110% real. When I woke up in the middle of that, I ran to the bathroom because I fully expected my water to have broken. Nothing, though.
My third dream was one that I have had before. In it, I go to the bathroom and when I wipe there is a little blood. I keep wiping, and every time I wipe, there is more and more blood. Eventually it's just horrible, something like the heaviest day of a period only much worse. In this version of the dream (last night), my doctor was out of town and the doctor on call was indifferent and told me not to worry about it. I finally forced them to let me in to the hospital, but I woke up before I got any answers or resolution. This is how the last dream ended. In the first dream, the baby was totally fine and they didn't know why I was bleeding. This time, I didn't get far enough in to know anything at all.
When I woke up, I did have a tiny spot of blood when I went to the bathroom (and I mean TINY), but nothing more than that.


pregnancy, reagan, fun, dreams

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