I have some prefolds I bought almost a year ago.
I really never used them as I got too overwhelmed with cloth-diapering, so I've just been using them as random burp rags/dust rags/etc.
ANYWAY. I want to start using them as cloth diapers again, but how do I do this? I put one on Reagan this morning, she barely peed in it while still laying on the changing table and it went right through it practically. It's fairly thick, so that can't be a good sign.
I can't afford any covers/inserts/whatever right now. Any ideas? How do you just use your basic prefolds for diapers, without covers? Two is impossible, it'd be too thick (I had trouble just snapping one down).
I won't be using them a ton, but it would be great around the house and to cut down on our diaper expenses.
Also, I have a Wonderoo cover or two that I got from the lovely
glimmeringhope, so I may try that next time (can't believe I forgot about them until just now).
If you have any pics or that would be helpful, I'm open to anything!
xposted to parenting101
and sorry for the post-whoring. :x I think I'm done!