All you pregnant girls and TTC girls are giving me baby fever!!
No way could I handle baby #2 right now, but I think I would like to either start trying OR get pregnant by this time next year. John and I talked about it some. He's kind of neutral, he doesn't care as long as we have the money to cover it and still stay on track with our goals (business/finance goals).
There are a few things to consider, though.
1) Maternity insurance. I have it, it goes into effect in Feb 2008. So that's good. I can then change my plan and pay about $100/mo more than I am now (we pay like $9 now, but it's a 10K deductible so yeah. lol), and have a 2,500.00 deductible I think. Not bad. We will definitely have the savings then, because we are so focused on saving for that (ok, I am on that part), vacation, emergency, and other things.
2) We want to travel a lot, and having another baby will delay that longer. Then baby #3 would delay that even LONGER. Ok, we could travel with them, but seriously? Who wants to take 3 young children to Las Vegas, or NYC, or wherever? Not I. It's a selfish thing I know, but that's why I'm looking forward to Disneyworld next Feb. It could quite possibly be our last trip "alone" (Reagan might come along and stay with my aunt) for years and years. That's kind of a sobering thought, actually. Could we handle the sacrifice? I mean I realize we could travel and just bring a babysitter along and stuff, but I'm just talking about all the extra hassle, period. I'm not saying we wouldn't travel until they are all 10 or older.
3) Sleep. SLLEEEEEEEEEP. Need I say more?
4) We would need to move if we wanted more after #2. That's not a big deal, we plan on moving at some point anyway.
5) OMG THREE KIDS. Can I handle it? I do want 3, but growing up as the oldest of 3, I know all the hassle and chaos and frustrations that go with that. Schooling, fighting over the coveted front seat, all the money Mom and Dad spent on our clothes/fundraisers/school/food/etc, the personality clashes, the teen angst. Is is bad of me that I'm really relieved we have a girl now, so I don't have to worry about having 3 boys (sorry,
merlyn4401! I'm sure you understand, lol!)?
I kind of want to be fairly sure on how many kids we plan on having. I don't want to have baby #2, expecting to have a third, and then John say he absolutely does not want a third. On the other hand, I don't want to plan for just 2, and then start getting baby fever again and not knowing for SURE how many we really want.
6) GRANDKIDS! I totally want a big family with lots of grandchildren. I'm the typical woman, there. Watch, all my kids will be childfree now. Sigh.
I am TOTALLY over-thinking this. LOL
And how is this post different from the one I made awhile ago about the same thing? I have no idea. I just know that I keep hearing about a new pregnancy, or friends deciding to start trying, and I miss being pregnant, I miss the new-baby smell, everything.
However, whenever we have our second, the plan is for me to be a full-time SAHM. So we'd have to be in a position to hire someone else to do the administration for our business. I mean I could help, but I couldn't do all I do now with 2 kids. We'd either have to hire a nanny for the kids, or a secretary for the work. Either way, SOMEONE IS GETTING HIRED.
I mean, look how cute I am pregnant!
Whenever Reagan is holding something she shouldn't be and I ask for it, she looks around wildly for something else to hand me. She was just holding some coins that she found somehow, and I said, "Reagan, bring me the coins, please!". She looked around, grabbed a washcloth near her, and brought it to me instead while hiding the coins behind her back. ROFL. I got the coins anyway. Cue tantrum. :D
I guess that's all for now!
EDIT: Ok, I've been humbled. I hope this didn't come across that I feel children are an inconvenience or hassle. I LOVE Reagan and she is such a special gift in our lives. I realize that this list seems pretty selfish and negative, I just needed to get it out. Children are always a blessing no matter what, and I know we will have at least another child or two. I let fears get in the way too much, and I preach about how it bothers me when people over-think having their first child and yet here I am doing the same! tsk tsk. Also to my friend
cknk who pointed this out, thank you! I mean this all in a positive way, also!