swans - alex; allusions of alex/goodwin - lost - fanficlet

Feb 26, 2007 23:24

Title: Swans
Rating: R
Fandom: Lost
Pairing: Alex/Goodwin (in my mind anyway)
Word Count: 216
Warning: Character death, suicide, dark themes
Note: I thought of this while trying to get to sleep and couldn't help myself. I'd have to say based off the song "Swan" by Unkle Bob. Lyrics for this song is included in the ficlet, and I named the story after it. The song was at the end of 3x17 Grey's Anatomy, for the curious. It is not even remotely about suicide, lol.
Originally Posted: 26th February 2007She shuts her eyes; squeezed closed tight to keep in the tears. It ends tonight.


Words whisper through the rickety little radio clenched in your fisted hand.

You tell me that you love me but you never want to see me again.

Again and again. Wind whistles through your hair, knotting it together. You shiver. You should’ve worn a jacket - it’s cold out tonight.

You tell me that you love me but you never want to see me again.

Breathe. Deep sighs, in and out and ouch. It hurts. Salty air burns your mouth, esophagus, lungs. Shut your eyes. It ends tonight.

And by my side, you’ll never be. And by my side, you’ll never be. You’ll never be.


She cuts. Bleed bleed bleed. Drip drop down the steps of the pier. She moves until she’s at the edge; sits and stops. Places the still-playing radio beside her, touching wood with a gentle thud. Red runs down her arms, leaks onto her jeans and stains. She smiles.

She shuts her eyes; squeezed closed tight to keep in the tears. It ends tonight.

Her feet caress the water, than her thighs, her torso. She sinks, she soars.

The icy water is bloody black and she’s clutching to his photograph when they find her days later.

ship: alex/goodwin, ch: alex rousseau, - lost, !fanfiction, *r, ch: goodwin

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