Title: Stalking
Author: Jo
Pairing: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Karl Urban
Rating: PG
Prompt: when Jensen met Karl Urban
Disclaimer: Absolute, 100% fiction. I made up the whole thing.
Author's Notes: Written for
litashields, from
this prompt request post.
"Dude, no."
"No. Just no, alright."
"Look, J, it'll be fun."
"What else're you gonna do? Sit around and play with your dogs?"
"I like playing with my dogs."
"Yeah, but you do it all. The. Time."
"So, just saying this'll be fun. Get away, do something different."
"Right. Tagging along while you stalk your man-crush is fun."
"He's not a man-crush."
"Whatever. You even know where you're going?"
"Yeah, Kim told me. He's got connections."
"Uh huh."
"Nothing. You so owe me."
* * *
"There he is. No, don't look, you moron! Jesus!"
"What? Man, you…"
"Don't stare!"
"Did you just hiss at me? Fuck's sake, go talk to him!"
"I can't."
"What? We came all this way and…"
"He's Eomer!"
"Also Cupid. Just go say hi."
"I can't."
"You do, or I go over and tell him you want to blow him right now."
"Would you?"
"Oh, for… Karl!"
"Don't shhh me. You asked for this."
"Yeah? Hi."
"Hey, this is my friend, Jensen, and he --"
"Wait, 'Dark Angel', right?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Cool. Loved the show, mate. Nice to meetcha."
"Christ, I need a fuckin' drink."