(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 10:29

The sun brings out the beauty in everything, and though this deathly-white girl does not fare well in the heat it still lifts the mood better than anything else.  Heat rashes and nosebleeds are a small price to pay for a thousand freckled faces and sunkissed locks.

The garden is absolutely divine - lilies, honeysuckle, cleamtis, roses and the jasmine all mingling to give the most gorgeous scent.  It's absolutely intoxicating, I keep finding myself stood by the back door just inhaling ever so slowly and relishing every last bit especially at dusk where the white of all the flowers look like stars against the blueish backdrop of evening and  it is oh so still apart from the four frogs hopping around in the ivy. I talk to the frogs an awful lot asking if their ponds have enough water or if they are enjoying the hotel I built for them. The bores and the whores nextdoor will start to wonder.

I've been running the business single-handedly this week which has gone surprisingly well. I even got a new account of which I am very proud, that I only went for them because the cafe name is Barbarella proves that sometimes romanticism wins over logic.  And so to a well deserved break for me, Thursday to Monday on alcoholiday, us kids have plans in our heads and anticipation coursing through our veins. I still wish that certain others would be joining in but sometimes I can ask too much.

Scrolling through my friends page at the weekend I was touched by a post by Beck, tragic and beautiful all at once.  I was at the Pleasure Unit last Sunday as events unfolded and I have deliberated ever since on whether I had any right to write about it.  I did not know Andy but I do know that silence is the enemy of compassion and that is often worse than even the most clumsy and inappropriate words.  So to all of you on these pages affected, and there seem to be so many, all my love and thoughts.  Your words are inspiring and moving and I am blessed to be in the company of such beautiful souls.  Love to you all.

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