{btvs} of blonde slayers & barbies

Nov 13, 2010 19:23

Title: Of Blonde Slayers and Barbies
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: Written for 50scenes for Table Two for prompt #12 (rose). Also written for day 12 at mini_nanowrimo where I signed up to write 250 words a day during November.
Notes: Set during “Who Are You?” Also follows Losing Faith
Summary: Faith’s thoughts as she tries to find something to wear in Buffy’s closet.
Word Count: 292

She sneers at the clothes that have been left in the closet. There’s nothing that can be considered overtly sexy at all. Everything’s the same: safe, trendy and stylish. No doubt bought with an allowance doled out by Mommy or with Mommy’s credit card when she was a good little girl. The blonde sighs as she goes through the clothes until she hits the jackpot at the back of the closet: a pair of leather pants and a sequined top. Not really her cup of tea but it’ll have to do for now at least.

She drags on the leather pants and pouts when she realizes that they’re not snug enough. Trust her to somehow buy a pair of leather pants that aren’t sexy and tight but are a size too large for her frame. The blonde sighs as she makes her way over to the vanity. She tells herself again that she’s Buffy Summers and not Faith. Buffy doesn’t dress trashy or slutty or with the thought of driving men wild.

The makeup drawer is worse than what she expected. Thankfully there’s black eyeliner and mascara but the lipsticks are another story. Shade after shade of pink and rose coloured lipstick until she has to wonder how are any of these lipsticks actually different from one another. She suspects that it’s the same story at the dorm room at college. Everything is safe and guaranteed to make the proper impact. She can’t look sexy because that’d be horribly naughty and wrong.

The blonde sneers at her reflection in the mirror. Things are going to change because she has no intention of being some sort of Slayer Barbie who wears pretty pastel colours and wears lipstick with the name of Dusty Rose.


community: mini_nanowrimo, length: drabble, community: 50scenes, verse: who are you?, genre: gen!fic, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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