[btvs] a wild night

Mar 14, 2010 10:08

Title: A Wild Night
Author: aaronlisa
Pairing/Characters: Faith/Cordelia, Buffy, implied Cordelia/Xander
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon & company.
Notes: Written for electra126 for Round 26 at femslash_minis. The prompt was Faith/Cordelia with Buffy being jealous, music and a short dress. This fic is set during Season Three of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Summary: Faith and Cordelia have a little too much fun at the Bronze.
Word Count: 704

Buffy’s eyes narrowed in jealousy as she watched the two brunettes entwined on the dance floor of the Bronze. The music that was pounding out of the speakers was heavy and throbbing, more to Faith’s taste than Cordelia’s. Yet Cordelia, in her scarlet-coloured, barely-there dress that hugged every curve, was moving as fluidly as Faith as every pair of eyes in the Bronze was focused on the pair.

The blonde Slayer couldn’t help but wish that it were she on the dance floor. The only problem was that she wasn’t exactly sure on who she wanted as her partner. Faith with her crimson stained full lips and her bedroom eyes or Cordelia with her regal attitude and that short dress that appeared to be on the verge of riding up even further. At that particular point, Buffy decided that she didn’t really care. She just wanted to be there with the two of them, but she couldn’t. Instead she stormed out of the Bronze intent on finding several vampires that she could take out frustration on.

* * *

Hours later, Cordelia and Faith spilled out of the Bronze into the deserted back alley. Cordelia was laughing at something that Faith had just said as she lost her footing. Faith quickly turned around and caught the cheerleader before she could fall face first onto the damp and grimy cement. Cordelia’s laughter died in her throat as she stared into Faith’s eyes. There was something there that she hadn’t expected, or had even hoped, to see reciprocated in Faith’s eyes. Tonight was only supposed to be about having some fun while they made all the boys pant with lust and all of the girls envious of them.

Cordelia squeezed her thighs tightly together in an attempt to alleviate some of the desire she felt. It was clear to her in that moment that she wasn’t exactly immune to Faith’s charms, as she had thought she was. Faith’s hands were still gently wrapped around her biceps, something that Cordelia was grateful for since she wasn’t certain that she’d be able to stand up on her own without any support. Neither will ever be certain as to who moved first, one moment they were standing there frozen as they stared into one another’s eyes and then the next they were leaning forward, lips locked in a kiss.

Faith’s mouth was demanding against her own mouth and the cheerleader felt as if she had never been properly kissed prior to that very moment. Cordelia was dimly aware of the sound of some hollering from the entrance of the alleyway but it seemed miles away. All she knew was that it sounded as if some of the jocks off of the football team were standing there, cheering them on as they continued to kiss. She tuned the sound out and instead she traced the curve of Faith’s lips with her tongue, sighing when Faith opened her mouth granting Cordelia entrance. Faith’s hands slowly slid up and down Cordelia’s arms while Cordelia’s hand twined in Faith’s hair.

It was Faith who broke the kiss, who pulled back with her lipstick slightly smudged and her eyes dazed. It was Faith who gently helped Cordelia to stand away from her before pushing some of Cordelia’s hair behind her ear. When Cordelia started to lean forward, desperate for another kiss it was Faith’s calm voice that stopped her.

“No,” Faith stated with a rueful smile.
“Why not?” Cordelia asked, her voice shaking with need.
“Cuz tomorrow when you wake up and you remember that you got a boyfriend, you’ll hate me.”
“Xander?’ Cordelia softly asked.
“Yeah him. Look me up when and if you ever dump him but not before then.”

The way that Faith stalked of the alleyway, pushing past the now disinterested jocks, reminded Cordelia of a jungle cat. She wanted nothing more than to run after Faith and insist that the Slayer finish what they started, but Cordelia knew that Faith was right. Instead she started to feel shame the more she thought about it: How could she have behaved like that? What would Xander have thought? Better yet what would he think when it all got back to him?


pairing: cordelia/faith, character: cordelia chase, community: femslash_minis, character: buffy summers, length: ficlet, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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