[btvs] it seems so clear

Mar 14, 2010 10:06

Title: It Seems So Clear
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Cordelia Chase/Buffy Summers
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: Written for dylanxtra_x at femslash_minis for Round #27. The requested prompts were torn clothing, awkwardness and sexual tension.
Notes: This is set during the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Summary: For the very first time, she really looks at Buffy and she sees the blonde as more than just a rival.
Word Count: 1232

Cordelia trips out of the fire door into the dank alleyway behind the Bronze, she’s trying not to cry because that’s not her style but the fact that she just caught Harmony kissing the star of the football team, the very guy that she had earmarked as her own, hurts. And she’s not quite sure what hurts more: Harmony’s betrayal or the boy’s preference for Harmony over her. What does Harmony have that she doesn’t? Her ego feels bruised and tender, more so than her heart, it wasn’t as if she was going to keep him for any length of time.

She leans against the cool brick wall and closes her eyes as she tries not to cry over her best friend’s betrayal and the jock’s stupidity. One moment, she’s stricken with typical teenage angst and the next she’s grabbed and thrown up against the wall. She’s too winded from being slammed against the wall to scream and her mind can’t quite process what’s in front of her. Cordelia catches glimpses of sharp fang, yellow eyes, and a feral face before the front of her dress is torn and she’s flailing, trying to hit the monster in front of her.

One of it’s hands tipped with razor blade sharp nails grip at her throat and she can’t scream and Cordelia can’t help but think that she’s going to die in the filthy alley behind the Bronze wearing a cheap dress. This is not how she planned to go out but as the thing inches closer and closer to her neck; she realizes that her plans were pretty stupid to begin with. Just as she gags at the stench of its breath and she feels the drop of its cold saliva on her neck, it explodes into ash and dust.

She blinks to clear her eyes as she coughs and just as she’s about to fall a pair of soft but strong hands steady her against the wall.

“Are you okay?”
“B-buffy?” Cordelia manages to spit out as she stares at the other girl.
“Yeah,” Buffy can barely spare her a glance as she’s scouting out the alleyway.
“What the hell was that thing?”
“A revenant.”
“A what?”
“It’s like a vampire but it’s worse. Unlike a vampire, it’s essentially a zombie that craves blood.”
“Gross,” Cordelia responds.
“Yeah pretty much.”

Buffy spares her a look and flashes her a smile. Something about the smile makes Cordelia feel all warm and tingly on the inside, kind of what she wanted to feel with the stupid star of the football team but never really did, no matter how much she forced herself to feel that way. For the very first time, she really looks at Buffy and she sees the blonde as more than just a rival for the position of Queen of the high school, more than just a rival for some boy’s affections, more than just a loser by choice.

“Was it just you out here?” Buffy asks.
“Yeah,” Cordelia replies and looks away.

She doesn’t want to admit to Buffy that she had stormed out of the Bronze in a fit of jealousy over a boy that she had only wanted as a trophy on her arm and not because she had actually felt something for him.

“I should get you home,” Buffy tells her before thrusting her coat at Cordelia.

Normally, Cordelia would make a snide remark about wearing some cheap knock off but it’s either the cheap knock off or walking home with her dress torn up. Plus the thought of wearing Buffy’s jacket makes her feel all giddy, something Cordelia has never felt wearing a boy’s jacket.

“Uh Buffy,” Cordelia begins but stops the minute Buffy looks at her again.

Cordelia’s never been in a position before where she’s unsure of how to ask for what she wants but in that moment with Buffy staring at her, looking all confident Cordelia’s uncertain of what to say or even how to say it.

“Are you okay, did you hit your head?”

Before she can even answer her, Buffy’s hands are already at the back of her head, gently probing for wounds. All the while Cordelia is staring at Buffy’s lips and before she can even make up her mind, she’s leaning forward and capturing those lips with her own. At first Buffy remains still as a statue and Cordelia’s terrified that she’s crossed some line. Just as she’s about to pull back, Buffy’s hands move to Cordelia’s shoulders and the Slayer pulls her closer, returning the kiss.

Cordelia finds herself pushed up against the brick wall once more, she hisses in pain but when Buffy tries to pull away, she holds onto the Slayer, refusing to let go. Buffy nips at her lower lip until Cordelia slightly opens her mouth allowing Buffy entrance. Cordelia slips her hands underneath the soft cotton of Buffy’s shirt and the blonde moans as Cordelia’s hands slowly move upwards.

They awkwardly jump apart when the fire door is thrown open and a burst of laughter is heard. Thankfully it’s some seniors who barely know who they are who come tumbling out of the door laughing at some joke. The group barely spares them a glance as they make their way out of the alley and onto the street, yet the mood is ruined.

“I better get you home,” Buffy quietly states.
“Yeah,” Cordelia replies as she tightens Buffy’s jacket around her body.

As they walk along the empty and quiet streets of Sunnydale, neither girl brings up what happened in the alleyway, neither of them mention how much they liked it or how they both want to kiss one another again. When they finally reach Cordelia’s house, the brunette goes to take off her borrowed coat but Buffy stops her.

“Keep it,” Buffy tells her, her hand on top of Cordelia’s.
“But,” Cordelia begins but quickly loses her train of thought when she glances at Buffy’s lips.

The Slayer’s lipstick is smudged because of their kisses and Cordelia reaches up and runs her thumb along Buffy’s lips. Buffy closes her eyes as she sighs before leaning into the touch. It’s a momentary reaction and before Cordelia can replace her thumb with her lips, Buffy’s already stepped back, a mask slipping into place.

“It looks better on you than it does me,” Buffy tells her before continuing. “I’ve got a boyfriend or at least I think I do. It’s complicated no matter what it is.”
“If you only think you have a boyfriend then maybe you don’t.”
“Even if I didn’t, I know you Cordelia. I was you. Whatever this is,” Buffy explains, waving her hand between the two of them, “It’s even more complicated than me thinking that I might have a boyfriend. Tomorrow morning, you’re gonna wake up and you’re not gonna want this messing up your perfect life.”
“What if I do?” Cordelia asks with a pout.
“Fine say you do, are you going to want to deal with the vampires and all of the other things that I deal with?”

Before Cordelia can answer, Buffy pushes her gently up against the front door and kisses her again. Buffy’s hands are holding Cordelia’s down against the door. The kiss isn’t gentle instead it’s a war that the two girls are fighting and in the end it’s Buffy who wins.

“Good night Cordelia.”


character: cordelia chase, community: femslash_minis, pairing: cordelia/buffy, character: buffy summers, length: 1000-5000 words, fandom: buffyverse

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