[supernatural] rock bottom bargains

Feb 06, 2010 11:20

Title: Rock Bottom Bargains
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Jo Harvelle / Crossroads Demon
Rating: FR15
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
Prompts: Written for the spn-fs-exchange for affabletoaster who wanted to see the pairing and Jo trying to make a deal with the crossroads demon after she finds out Dean is dead.
Notes: Set after Season Three.
Summary: She realizes the only solution is the very one that got them all into this mess.
Word Count: 2543

The fact that Dean is dead shocks her. It’s not right that he should be dead, especially since she had believed that he would somehow find a way out of the deal. And if Dean couldn’t, then Sam would or Bobby. But in the end, Dean hadn’t found a way out and he was dead. Sam and Bobby had been powerless to save him. In fact what Bobby had told her mother was that Sam had stood by, helpless and powerless, while invisible hellhounds had ripped Dean apart. And no one had been able to save him from his foolish deal.

Jo knows that messing around with demons and wishes is the worse possible thing that she can do right about now. The fact that she’s a hunter in her own right should be proof positive about just how evil demons are. And even looking past that, she has Dean as an example for why making a deal with a demon is probably the worse thing that she could do. Demons lie, cheat and there’s always a catch to whatever they promise you. A catch that always costs you more than you could ever bargain for. But the fact of the matter is that it doesn’t matter to her what she knows, it’s how she feels.

Ever since her mother called her up with the bad news, Jo has felt like she swallowed shards of broken glass coated in acid. She seems unable to do the normal day-to-day things that most people take for granted. Taking a shower, putting on clothes, and facing another day seems far too difficult, much less going into her crappy job as a bartender at a dive of a bar. The only time that Jo seems to feel any peace is when she’s passed out in her bed from having drunk too much alcohol.

Clarity comes in one morning when she’s staring blankly at the TV screen in her small apartment. Some movie comes on about Elizabeth Hurley as the devil and something clicks in Jo’s mind. A solution to the problem, a salve for the pain that she’s feeling (and she knows that if she hurts this much, Sam is hurting ten times worse than she is.) She tries to talk herself out of it but once the idea is there in her mind, she can’t seem to give it up.

Before she knows it, she’s in the shower, letting the hot water pound into her skin as she realizes the only solution is the very one that got them all into this mess. She’ll call up a crossroads demon and make a deal. Jo doesn’t allow herself to think about what it’ll mean when she makes her deal and what her outcome will be. She doesn’t want to think about that. Right now, all that matters is that she’s found a way to ease her pain and to bring Dean back. Once she’s made up her mind, she feels an intense need to fix things now before it’s too late. She’s not quite sure what’ll happen if she’s too late but she knows that it can’t be good.

* * *

It takes three days of driving to find a decent crossroads where she can call upon the demon. Once she finds the spot, she waits for the right time of night. She’s had everything else prepared before she even got into her truck. For once since she’s first heard the news, Jo feels at peace with the fact that Dean died. (Or more accurately that he was dragged to Hell.) She doesn’t worry about what will happen to her or if she will be cheated out of a full ten years like Dean was. All that matters is that hopefully in a few hours, Dean will be sitting beside her in her truck as she drives him somewhere safe.

As she waits, Jo falls asleep; tired from her grief and from driving almost non-stop until finding the spot she’s at now. It’s the first time since she found out that her sleep is restful and dream-free. When she wakes up, it’s full dark and she knows without looking at her watch that it’s the right time to perform the ritual. At first, she thinks that she’s somehow managed to make a mistake when nothing seems to happen. Nothing happens and she thinks that it was all for nothing. And she starts to trudge back to her truck, her shoulders sagging in defeat.

“Well, well, well if it is little Joanna Harvelle.”

Jo spins around as she pulls out her gun. She doesn’t act surprised when she sees a beautiful brunette in a clingy black dress, even though she hadn’t been expecting a female demon. Somehow she had expected a male demon and for a moment, she’ll wonder what’ll be like kissing the full lips of the demon before when she trades her life for Dean’s.

“I take it you know why I am here,” Jo asks, still holding the gun aimed for the demon’s heart.
“Do you think that’ll work on me?”
“It’ll slow you down,” Jo replies, “Shall we get to business?”
“Are you in such a rush to sell your soul?”
“Why do you care?”

The demon walks closer, although from Jo’s perspective it’s almost as if she glides over and she can’t help but wonder if the body that the demon is inhabiting is that of a dancer. She shakes her head and focuses on why they’re here.

“Why wouldn’t I care? After all, you’re a very pretty girl, Joanna.”
“My name is Jo and let’s just cut to the chase.”

Jo grinds her teeth as the demon just moves closer and closer until the barrel of her gun is pressed right against the demon’s chest. The demon smiles at Jo and places her had on Jo’s wrist.

“It’s not what your daddy calls you.”
“And what would you know about what he calls me?” Jo angrily asks.
“Did you think your daddy would go to Heaven?”

The hand on her wrist grips painfully tighter and for a moment, Jo considers pulling the trigger despite the pain. She wants nothing more than to empty her gun into the bitch’s heart until she’s dead. And then she remembers that if she does that, her only chance at bringing Dean back is gone. Jo smirks at the demon and her hand relaxes.

“Let go,” Jo states.
“But don’t you want to kill me Joanna?”
“Not as much as I want Dean back.”

The demon smiles at her and releases her hand and Jo lowers the gun. She pauses for a moment before she slips it between the waistband of her pants. Jo returns the demon’s fake smile and raises an eyebrow.

“I suppose we should get down to business.”
“Let’s do that,” Jo replies.
“Let me guess what you want.”

Jo impatiently watches as the demon takes a step or two backwards, her finger on her lips as she seems to ponder what Jo could possibly want from her. She dramatically turns on her heel, reinforcing Jo’s impression that the body belongs to a dancer or maybe an actor. The demon’s eyes seem to glow in the dark as she faces Jo with a smirk on her lips.

“You want Dean Winchester back, is that right?”
“Yes,” Jo replies, her voice curt as she folds her arms against her chest.
“And how much are you willing to give for him?”
“What about the standard ten years?” Jo asks, knowing that the demon won’t give her that.

The demon laughs, a rich and melodic sound, and Jo thinks that if she had come into her body three weeks ago, she probably would have taken her home with her. But it’s not three weeks ago, it’s tonight and she’s out to save Dean. So she gives her next offer.

“Five years then, my life for Dean’s.”
“And why should I give you five when Dean was only given one for Sam?”
“Because it’s Dean and not Sam and because I am not Dean,” Jo replies.

This time she’s the one who moves closer to the demon. She captures the demon’s arm and stops her from moving. Her grip is gentle whereas the demon’s had been bruising earlier. Jo seems a glint of something in the demon’s eye, something that might be desire and she wonders if it’s the demon or if it’s the person who owns the body. She shudders at the thought that she had been so ready to kill the person to punish the demon.

“And what makes you think that you’re not just as important as Dean little girl?”
“Let’s cut to the chase, I don’t have all night and I suspect that you don’t either,” Jo states, ignoring the demon’s question.
“What’s your next offer then?”
“A year,” Jo icily replies, “A year for Dean. Just like he had.”

The demon doesn’t reply, instead she leans forward and places her lips against Jo’s and Jo can’t help but wonder at what she’s done. She’s just sold her life away for Dean’s and in a year from now, she’ll be in Hell, dragged there by hellhounds just like Dean was. The kiss is barely a kiss; instead it’s just a pressing of lips against lips. The demon pulls back with a growl.

“Call that a kiss? I’m beginning to think that you’re not completely into this.”

Jo pulls the demon closer and this time she kisses her with everything she has. The kiss isn’t gentle from the very start, not with Jo’s hand gripping the demon’s neck and the other caught up in the demon’s long brown hair. The kiss is all lips, teeth and tongue. Jo’s trying to put everything in that kiss that will show the demon, no convince the demon, just how much Jo needs Dean to be alive. The demon moans as she presses her body up against Jo’s and the demon’s hands are underneath her shirt before Jo even realizes what’s happening.

Before she knows it, the demon has pressed her up against the side of her truck and the kiss has turned into something more. It’s not just about sealing a promise or exchanging her life for Dean’s. It’s about desire, lust and hate. Just as the demon’s hands are sliding up her ribcage and slipping underneath her bra, Jo’s hands start to slide up and down the silky smooth skin of the body that’s pressing into her. And for a few brief heady moments, she forgets about everything. The pain in her belly seems to ease up for the first time since she got the phone call and all she feels is the liquid heat of her own desire.

It’s Jo who breaks the kiss and she doesn’t immediately push the demon away, instead she leans her head against her truck letting the demon press her hot mouth against Jo’s neck. Jo softly moans when the demon lightly bites her and even though everything in Jo is telling her that this is wrong, very wrong, she can’t seem to stop. Instead of pushing the demon away, she pulls her even closer, her hands moving the back and slowly pulling the zipper down so that she can feel the demon’s back without the clingy material in the way.

In the end, they end up on the right passenger seat of the truck, Jo on the bottom and the demon in her lap. Their clothes are hastily removed or pushed aside as their hands and mouths find all of the spots on one another’s body that makes the other sigh, moan and shiver with desire. The demon quickly brings Jo to climax and when Jo tries to do the same, the demon pushes her hands away and simply slides out of the truck, leaving a very devastated Jo, half-naked and vulnerable in the seat.

The cold night air seems to hit the exposed parts of her and Jo quickly straightens her clothing before she moves out of the truck. The demon seems to be looking at her differently, almost sadly. Jo draws a shaky breath and she waits for the moment when Dean will be given to her in exchange for her life. And that moment never comes.

“I can’t give you him.”

The demon’s voice is quiet. And Jo can’t help but feel angry. She just did more than seal her promise, she gave her life, her soul, in exchange for Dean and she’s being told that she was cheated already.

“Why not,” Jo spits out.
“He’s where he’s supposed to be.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“He’s in Hell right where he’s supposed to be, I can’t tell you more than that.”
“Then what just happened?” Jo demands.
“What do you think?”
“So you fuck all of your potential clients?”
“So I am supposed to feel special?”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Then what was?”

The demon sighs as she starts to move closer to Jo before she stops.

“It was just supposed to be me seeing how far you’d go, how far you’d sacrifice for Dean. I was just supposed to come up here and see how much you were willing to give in exchange for him.”
“Well I guess you found out, didn’t you?” Jo bitterly states.
“I can give you anyone else that you want. Anyone but Dean.”
“What about your daddy? No, not him, then what about the other father figure in your life, John Winchester?”

Jo’s hands clench into fists, she’s not sure where her gun is at the moment but if she had it, she’s almost certain she’d end this conversation right now. Her anger doesn’t slow the demon down; instead the demon moves up close to Jo and puts her hand on Jo’s shoulder.

“Come on Jo girl, if you can’t have the son, why not take the father? From what I hear, he’s a sweet ride like his son.”

Jo throws a punch that the demon easily dodges. The sound of her laughter is grating and Jo can’t even begin to wonder what she found attractive in the first place about this demon or even the body it wears.

”I take that’s another no. Well then we don’t have anymore business then, do we, Jo?”
“I’ll make you pay,” Jo promises.
“Oh I am sure you will or at the very least you’ll try to. Just remember Jo; you wanted it just as much as I did. And it wasn’t all about Dean, was it?”

With a final smirk, the demon is gone leaving Jo alone. She barely has time to move away from her truck before she’s vomiting. When it’s over and she’s crouched on the ground on her knees, bile burning her throat, Jo realizes that it wasn’t all about Dean. She can’t write off the insanity of this night to the fact that she wanted to save Dean. From the moment, she got it stuck in her head to save Dean by selling her own soul away, it stopped being about him and being about her. Even more so, when she found herself intimately entwined with a crossroads demon.

(( END ))

fandom: supernatural, pairing: jo/crossroads demon, character: jo harvelle, character: crossroads demon, community: spn_fs_exchange, length: 1000-5000 words

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