[spn/tih] a random encounter in santa cruz

Mar 01, 2009 12:33

Title: A Random Encounter in Santa Cruz
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Supernatural / Ten Inch Hero
Pairing/Characters: Dean Winchester, Jen, Priestly
Rating: FR13 (some swearing)
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company, while Ten Inch Hero belongs to David Mackay and company.
Prompts: Written for LJ’s JACC_off ficathon for my prompt of a genfic where Dean meets Priestly while on a hunt.
Notes: Set pre-series for Supernatural and pre-movie for Ten Inch Hero.
Summary: When he walks into the shop, he’s greeted by bright walls, plants and normality.
Word Count: 868

It’s early morning on a Sunday morning and the only place that he can find open is a sandwich shop. He’s starving after a long night of hunting down a ghost so he parks the Impala and makes his way to the shop. When he walks into the shop, he’s greeted by bright walls, plants and normality. He just knows that Sam would love this place and it makes him hate just a little bit more. Dean decides that once he’s finished eating, he’ll leave Santa Monica and put as many miles between it and him as he can.

At first he doesn’t notice that the looks that he’s receiving from the people in the shop as he stares at the menu. When he walks up to the counter to place the order, he finally notices that the young woman at the counter has been staring at him for the last five minutes with a confused look on her face.

“Can I help you?”

The voice is normal and calm despite the questioning look in her eye and Dean’s not quite sure what she wants. So he nods and places his order before slipping into one of the booths. When she brings over his coffee, she hesitates for a moment before she sets the cup on the table and pours the coffee.

He wonders if they knew one another, he’s been all over the states following his dad and then working with his dad that he’s starting to lose track of all the people that he’s known. And when he looks at her as she walks back to the counter, he notices that she’s mousy and quiet. She’s definitely not the type of girl that he’d ever really pay attention to unless she was a victim of some ghost or other monster. Yet she doesn’t say anything so he ignores it and eats the breakfast that he had ordered when she places it in front of him.

When he’s finished, he walks up to the cash register and pays his bill, all the time aware that everyone’s eyeing him and he refuses to ask why although he wants to turn around and ask them all what the hell their problem is. Instead he pays up, leaves the change as a tip and then walks out as if he gets weird looks every time he walks into a sandwich shop.

It’s not until he’s walking back to the Impala when he bumps into a young man that Dean finally realizes why everyone had been looking at him in the sandwich shop. The young man looks exactly like him; well he would if Dean suddenly started wearing eyeliner, wore a purple Mohawk, and wore a kilt.

“What the fuck?”

The question starts as one of annoyance before it ends in confusion.

“Who are you?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Dean responds as he automatically reaches for the vial of holy water in his pocket.

He splashes the holy water on his double as he watches the familiar green eyes grow annoyed again.

“What the hell is your problem?”

He watches as the young man wipes the water off his arm and Dean debates about pulling out his silver knife. Holy water’s one thing, but cutting someone in public is a completely different thing that could lead to him being arrested. Dean doubts that his double is a hunter especially in the outlandish getup that he’s currently wearing.

“Sorry,” Dean replies, as he starts to walk away.

His double’s hand reaches out and grasps his wrist firmly and Dean stops. He turns to face his double again and he warily watches as he waits.

“Who are you?”
“I’m Priestly.”

The name is as outlandish as the get up and Dean rolls his eyes and wonders if this is what he might have been like if he had had a normal life.

“Look I’ve gotta go,” Dean says.
“Are you from around here?” Priestly asks.

Dean pulls his arm out of Priestly’s grip and makes his way to the Impala and he doesn’t look back as he drives away. He doesn’t care about Priestly and the needy look in his double’s eyes. As he drives away, Dean vows that he’ll never come back to Santa Monica if he can help it.

* * *

Priestly walks into the shop and gives Jen a look as he walks into the kitchen where he puts his bag away and pulls out his apron. As he washes his hands, his thoughts are on his double and he can’t help but wonder if they’re related. He’s always wanted to know who his family is ever since he was a child and it was just him and his father. However Priestly’s fairly certain that his father would have told him about any siblings that he might have had.

He sighs as he dries his hands and walks back up to the front of the kitchen as he puts on a smile for Jen and everyone else. It’s a mystery that he won’t ever find the answer to, especially with the way that his double, Dean, had driven away.


genre: crossover, fandom: supernatural, character: priestly, character: dean winchester, length: ficlet, fandom: ten inch hero, genre: gen!fic

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