Title: Deception
aaronlisaFandom: The X-Files
Pairing/Characters: Dana Scully
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The X-Files belongs to Chris Carter and company.
Prompts: n/a
Notes: Set after the events in Small Potatoes.
Summary: Scully deals with the aftermath of being deceived by Eddie Van Blundht.
Word Count: 337
In her official report, Special Agent Dana Scully neither confirms nor denies the phenomenon that her partner Mulder claims to have occurred. Her official statement on what happened that night in her apartment with the suspect was that she cannot and could not rely on the sensory data due to her inebriated state. No one questions the fact that Agent Scully claims that she was completely sober prior to the suspect’s arrival at her apartment when she believed him to be her partner. Then again Scully’s come to the conclusion that ninety-five percent of her official reports are only read by Skinner.
What’s missing from her report and the details of the conversation that she has with Skinner is the overwhelming sense of confusion, betrayal and doubt that she is faced with in the aftermath. The suspect is being held in a secure facility and routinely dosed with muscle relaxants (at Mulder’s insistence), yet the thought that this genetic mutation might not be as rare is always at the back of her mind.
For a few weeks after the fact, Scully is left wondering how she can ever know if the person whom she is talking to is actually them. After all, when the suspect had supposedly been Mulder, she had mistakenly assumed that he had just been in a funk because the case had nothing to do with the paranormal. But she had been wrong. There’s no way that she can ever really know if she’s actually talking to who she thinks it is.
It gives her a headache and she does her best to push the thoughts away before she starts thinking like Mulder too much. Scully rationally and logically knows that there is no basis for her fears. After a while, she forgets that she was ever plagued with these doubts and she assumes the attitude of her official report: she can neither confirm nor deny her partner’s claims of the paranormal due to her inebriated state when the suspect came to her apartment.