[original] bruises on pale skin

Dec 07, 2008 20:36

Title: Bruises on Pale Skin
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Original
Pairing/Characters: Unnamed OFC/OMC
Rating: FR15 (sexual content)
Disclaimer: This is my own original piece; it belongs to no one but me. Please do not repost or claim as your own.
Prompts: Written for random_40 for Table #2, Prompt #8 (bruised).
Notes: There is some very minor sexual content in here as well as mention of adultery.
Summary: She’s supposed to be his and his alone.
Word Count: 974

His hands are gripping her hips so tightly that he knows she’ll have bruises. He knows that he should care but the fact that long after they’re done she’ll have his mark makes him dig his fingers in deeper as he thrusts into her harder. She gasps when he pushes her against the edge of the table, his thrusts starting to become erratic the closer he gets to his orgasm.

When it’s over, she doesn’t say a word to him instead she pulls down her dress, her cheeks flaming red as she resolutely refuses to look him in the eye. He knows that he should feel guilty but he can’t find it in himself to do so. Even when he hears his wife on the stairs, he knows that he should feel guilty but all he can think about is how much he wants the woman standing in front of him again.

He’s not sure if the red in her cheeks is from anger, shame or embarrassment from what they did and he wants to question her about it. Yet when she hesitantly looks towards the door, he can tell that she is afraid his wife will come in. She’s never liked big dramatic scenes so he leaves her alone and prevents his wife from finding them alone in a room that reeks of sex.

He tells his wife lies about how he was looking for something for one of his friends, even goes as far as to give her a kiss as they climb the stairs together to the main floor. All the while his mind is on the woman that he’s just left downstairs: the woman that he wants to be with even though he knows that it’s impossible so when he enters the living room with his wife on his arm he pretends that he’s completely happy.

The party is in full swing when she finally comes back upstairs. Her hair and lipstick fixed from their encounter and he wonders what she is thinking. She’s pale when she sits down next to her boyfriend. He remembers one of their mutual friends telling him that the boyfriend is fairly new and he can’t help but smirk when he realizes that the boyfriend won’t last long. Especially since her boyfriend seems rather incapable of reading the signals that she’s giving him.

She looks at him briefly before she turns to listen to what someone is telling her and for a brief moment, he is consumed by jealousy. She’s supposed to be his and his alone. His wife says something to him and he turns to her, a smile on his face before he goes to the kitchen and fetches the plate of appetizers for their guests. He plays the dutiful husband even though on the inside he wants the woman in the pale grey dress sitting on the couch.

When the night is over, she says goodbye with the other guests who are milling about the door putting on shoes and coats saying their goodbyes. Her voice sounds hollow to his ears and he knows it’s because of him. No one else seems to notice how skittish she is, especially around him. He pulls her into an embrace because it’s expected of him since he can’t give the other female guests a hug and not her. She stiffens at his touch and it pains him, he’s hurt again because of his desire for her.

He lets her go and she takes a step back. It amazes him that no one notices the tension between them even though it threatens to ruin everything. Instead everyone is laughing and promising to meet again. He watches her as she walks out of the door, another man’s hand on her arm, guiding her along the icy steps and cement to a car that will take her away from him again. She’s always leaving him and he’s always letting her.

Later on, when his wife is asleep he calls her on her cell phone. Her voice is thick with sleep. He asks if she’s alone and she tells that she is. He apologizes for what happened and the silence on the other end is thick and heavy. She finally tells him that it’s not just his fault before she tells him that she can’t see him again.

He feels as if his heart is breaking and he knows that he’ll do anything to change her mind. But she’s adamant; her voice is firm as she tells him that she can’t and that she won’t. She doesn’t trust either of them to not fall victim to the desire that seems to flare every time they meet. She tells him that the past is the past and her future doesn’t involve him in it anymore and even though he knows that every word she tells him is true, he tries to deny it.

Her laugh is bitter before she firmly tells him that he’s married and his future doesn’t involve her either. He starts to tell her that he’ll leave his wife for her but she cuts him off and tells him not to be stupid. She tells him that what’s in the past should stay there. They didn’t work for a reason and they won’t work now, even if they were free to pursue that avenue.

She hangs up the phone on him when he starts to protest. And he doesn’t call her back even though he desperately wants to. Instead he goes to bed and lies down beside his sleeping wife. He tries to make himself believe that what happened between them was nothing more than a brief moment of insanity but his thoughts keep coming back to the fact that for the next little while she’ll carry his mark on the pale white skin of her hips.


fandom: original, community: random_40, length: ficlet

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