Title: Sacrifice
aaronlisaFandom: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairing/Characters: John Connor
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Sarah Connor Chronicles belong to James Cameron, Josh Friedman, and Fox.
50prompts - table #1, prompt #26 (life)
Notes: Spoilers for episode 2x05 “Goodbye to All That.”
Summary: Everyone dies for John Connor.
Word Count: 100
We all die for you.
The words seem to press down on him even days after his uncle has said them. His life has cost so many people their own lives because of their alliance with him in the murky future and John wonders if things will ever change. How many more people have to sacrifice their lives for his own life for the future to actually change? And sometimes as his uncle’s words echo in his ears, John knows that their fight to change the future is futile and meaningless. Skynet will never cease to exist as long as he exists to fight it.