[harry potter] nightmares of war

Nov 09, 2008 23:21

Title: Nightmares of War
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Lestrange
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and company.
Prompts: Originally written for 30screams for the prompt of “go back to sleep.”
Notes: This is set post-War and was written before Deathly Hallows.
Summary: Voldemort won the war and Hermione is Bellatrix’s captive.
Word Count: 214

The war had turned out to be very different than anyone had ever imagined it would be. At the end of their sixth year, Harry and Ron had thought that it would be something akin to a great adventure. A dangerous one that would risk their lives but they had both believed that by the end of the war, they would be victorious. They had both been so naïve and innocent but five years later, Hermione Granger was anything but naïve and innocent.

She had lost everything because of a power-hungry mad man and now she had nothing, except the metaphorical chains that enslaved her to Bellatrix Lestrange, the cruelest of the Dark Lord’s soldiers. Hermione suffered from a never-ending string of nightmares about each of her friends and their horrific deaths or enslavements courtesy of a spell that Bellatrix cast upon her every night.

And every night, a cruel parody would play out with Hermione waking up choking on her screams of terror from the nightmares caused by her captor. And every night with a scream on her lips, she would find herself being comforted by her captor who would rub her back soothingly and hush her screams with a gentle whisper of Go back to sleep, love, it was just a nightmare.


length: drabble, pairing: bellatrix/hermione, character: hermione granger, character: bellatrix lestrange, fandom: harry potter

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