Nov 13, 2006 10:17
***** As per the emerging standard, summary at bottem. *****
i may not be wicked, but i qualify for the other two quite well. Its 9:30 in the morning, since 8 i have had to fix the following fuck ups
1) Apparently, i no longer go to njit..... there was a glorious computer fuckup and instead of sticking my name on the potential graduation list (no its not over till the spring... i hope) they removed me from the school alltogether. i went to register at 8 and it spit a rather fun error at me "You are not enrolled as a student for this term" ....... FUCK ME. so that was a fun 30 mins of waiting in line and then another 15 of arguing my case that i was infact still a student. STATUS: Solved
2) Speaking of graduation papers, i had to turn those in (joy they want another $100 over all that tuition i gave em) and found out there was a particularly stupid fuck up in the files. I dont know about most people, but i dont use my middle name very often, infact i had to think about it for a few minutes to remember what the hell the A. stood for (Anthony if you are curious, and yes, my initials spell a word CAR i know this, but everyone likes pointing it out to me, much like how everyone says "Wow, you are tall!" as though i never realized it before.) Well this lead to some interesting issues, as on some of the paperwork it was Anthony, and on some it was Anthoney and ill be damned if i can remember which way its actually spelled. So since i dont exactly keep my birth certificate in my wallet, i had to guess which one was right and change all the instances of the other one. More fun paperwork. STATUS: Solved? (for all i know i may have to change everything back to the other spelling cause i was wrong)
3) Ahhhhh by and large the best of the fun hassles for the morning. On friday night i had some bad luck, i lost my school ID (meaning i couldnt get food from the caf, couldnt drive anywhere because i need it to get into the parking deck, and of course forced me to talk my way into the dorms everytime i went out for a smoke as i need the card to get in). Now the place to get a new one wasnt open until 9 this morning, and they want me to pay $25 to replace a "lost" ID....... Now comes the part that changes the situation from annoying to sad, note i said "lost" see those quotes, yeah its not really lost. i know exactly where it is, but i cant get it as it fell out of my pocket, bounced off the floor and fell through that little gap between the elevator and the floor. And the worst part, every time i get on the elevator on the first floor, i can see the damn thing sitting in the elevator pit. STATUS: FUCK! aka, im out 25 bucks
4) And last but not least,hard core hard-ware dorkage. The power supply to the dorms has been shot to hell all semester. spikes and brown outs every day it seems. despite using surge protectors on everything, the repeated assult of just a little bit less than will trip the protector followed by almost nothing has taken quite a toll on my hardware. This morning i found that my precious audio goodness has been violated by said power disturbances. the reciever (mind you this is my BACKUP reciever as my fancy H&K rig bit the big one due to mishandling by my father (cant prove its his fault, so he aint buying a replacement)) has joyfully bit the big one, at least half of it has. The right speaker output is dead, i think one of the caps popped due to the little surges (very old reciever so it doesnt take much to break it). Sadly, even if my reciever worked, my computer does not. seeing as how i forced it to use funky sound drivers as the ones it uses are no longer available (thanks njit for supplying us with computers with defective motherboards) its audio abilities are somewhat limited. i THINK there was a little sparking action goin on due to the power fun, and now the audio ports i worked so hard to get operational are perma-fucked. STATUS: forever broken due to extensive damage (checked it out, and i cant fix it)
over the span of 2 hours, i have completely lost my will to face today any further than i already have. looks like im skipping class yet again. No, im not a terrible student, im getting well above the class average on the tests. And if one more person gives me that "You should go to class, you paid good money for it." argument im goin to stab them in the eye with a shrip fork and forcibly inject their sinuses with spoiled cottage cheese. If im paying for it, then its my perogative to use it as i wish. So take your manditory attendance and cram it up whatever you buracrats have authorization to cram it.
wow im actually updating my journal semi frequently for once. and lots of long entries looks like the summary is required here too
SUMMARY:I dont NOT go to school here. SAY MY NAME BITCH, no really say it, i dont remember what it is. How njit fucked me out of more money today. I HAVE THE POWER! wait, no i dont.... oh now i do... wait no, its gone again. and finally, take your attendance and shove it.