(no subject)

Mar 03, 2006 15:05

"ski trip- amazing, hands down. i'm ready now.. test me."
that was from a few days after we got back from ski trip. funny, God really does listen. guess i wasn't as ready as i thought. but chin up, i realize i'm not in this alone.

i'm leaving for hunstville very shortly. i'm very excited cause my volleyball team is so much fun. a bunch of insanely odd girls, who are all amazing at volleyball. even though i don't have much of a life because all i ever do is practice and go to tournaments i probably wouldn't have it any other way. i'll be back tomorrow sometime, hopefully allowing myself to go see britt play(i'm going to try really hard i promise).

and church on sunday.. geeze miss it.

*snaps of the week*
- 100 on my math test
- totally winnataska material
- missed quite a bit of school for FUN ACTIVITIES
- spent the day with rach
- my sisters were here when i got home
- i gave up some built up crap

God thanks for being so awesome
1 Chronicles 16:8
Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.
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