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Feb 12, 2009 19:08

If you haven't heard yet, Joss Whedon's new show Dollhouse premieres tomorrow. So I'm gonna do some obligatory advertising because I really hope this show is successful. Or at least doesn't get completely screwed over, Firefly-style. I think the show has lots of potential so hopefully Fox will give it a chance. It's funny because in the commercials they are flashing his name and "creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer". So, Fox uses his previous success to advertise for this show, but they totally screwed him over on Firefly. Slimy...

Ok, enough bad-mouthing Fox, here are some promos if anyone is interested:

image Click to view

image Click to view

Interesting interview with Whedon:

Lisa Fary with Pinkraygun.com: The Fox promo site called the Echo chamber, it features Eliza Dushku, she’s nude, looking very sexually available in the tagline get to know Echo intimately. Our readers at Pinkraygun are interested to know if this is a standard hot babe come-on, or a sexual objectification show being set up for subversion. Do you fully support this type of promo, and could you explain a little either way?

Whedon: Nice. Finally something that’s slightly more awful than me saying wake up and smell the “Acker”. I absolutely think that the question is valid and my answer is a little bit vague. I do support it. I saw the photo shoot, and I mostly support it because Eliza was very comfortable with it and very pleased with the photos. She’s very comfortable with her body.

The premise of the show involves these men and women being hired and obviously, some of that has to do with sex. This is something that was in the premise from the start. It came from my conversation with Eliza. We wanted to talk about it, she mentioned herself, wanted to talk about sexuality in whatever show she was doing, not just by virtue of her being all hot, but by really examining human sexuality and how it drives us and why it’s important to us.

The idea is to get the audience to look at their own desire, and to figure out what of it is acceptable, and what of it is kind of creepy. In order to do that, we go to a creepy place sometimes, and I will be very interested to see if people find it empowering or the other things. I may have crossed the line. Let’s find out.
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