I love Michigan State. And I love living with Stephanie. And I love tailgating. And I love crowd surfing in the football stadium. And I love meeting new people. And I am not going home for winter break, I am going to NEW ZEALAND!!
This is Bobby. He is doing a handstand in the hallway. And although he has an ipod with his headphones on, there is a good chance that he isn't actually listening to music.
The proper way to handle hiding inappropriate objects when the family comes to visit.
What's funny is that this was a completely sober adventure. Why we decided to put my bra on the penguin, we will never know. But it stayed there for way longer than it needed to.
This was a very wet game against Notre Dame with a horribly disappointing ending.
Two different guys, doing the same dumb thing. Dropping a remote over your head to prove your manliness.