ahhhh sexy beast! haha!
i'm pretty happy with my progress... it's always such a fucken bummer after you lose that first 10 lbs cuz after that it's harder. but then after like 10 more lbs it's fucking easy to lose the rest of it. only after that, it's fucking addicting.
i had a really excellent day. me and my friend BeAu went to the park and we kissed<3 it was grand indeed. i like him a lot, for a change. it's been quite a while since there was a guy that made me feel good like he does. and he lifted me off this picnic table and was like, "jesus gurl, you weigh like nothing." that made me feel great. i told him a little bit about my ED but not everything. he is really easy to confide in, like he makes me feel totally comfortable. and he's one of those people who, when you talk to him there is never a moment of silence. and if there is, it's not an awkward moment, it's a peaceful moment.
ok sorry i rambled about my romantics. hehe. anyways, i'm gunna go smoke. i smoke too much. oh well who gives a flyen fuck. not me...