Dec 06, 2004 13:11
mmm...double cheeseburger...
so, it's a cloudy monday. and the house smells overpoweringly like mold. and i haven't seen any of my friends lately. not that it matters anymore, they've all got their things to do, and that's cool. it just gets lonely around here sometimes.
enough boo-hooing.
i actually had an ok day yesterday, despite the fact that the car's tires went flat and i had to go to walmart in my pajamas w/o showering and i was tired as hell...but the tires are ok, so jesse has no worries on that front.
we watched comedy central all day yesterday and ate cheeseburgers and i felt particularly good yesterday.
today i still fell pretty good, i cleaned the entire house, did a load of laundry, and watched People's Court. but, i am the only one in the house right now, so it's a little lonely, a little quiet, but it's ok.
i like these times i have to myself, it lets me think without being interrupted. but i really need to get out some, i think i'm starting to get fat...not fat fat but just a little chunkier...i don't like that. so i think i'm going to go jog now.
and maybe cut back on my cheeseburger consumption.