We've Got A Big Mess On Our Hands

Jan 14, 2011 22:44

Title: We've Got A Big Mess On Our Hands
Author: factualreality
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing: Gabilliam
POV: 3rd, present
Summary: What ACTUALLY inspired the video.
Disclaimer: This might have happened. I'm more inclined to believe the music video, but hey. Title and cut from We've Got A Big Mess on Our Hands by The Academy Is...
Warnings: Here there be clones, cursing, innuendo.
Author's notes: I'm not sure what I think of this, but I wanted to try and pound something out before I looked at Beautiful again. It'll come, I promise!

“William! We’re all here in the studio, where are you? What’s wrong with you lately? For God’s sake, we’re trying to get this record done! We’ve got the show tomorrow, we need to track the thing today!”

It wasn’t like he had planned on sleeping in, the groggy William thought as he turned his phone off. Somebody-he wasn’t going to name any names (Gabe)-had been in town the night before and had decided it would be a good idea to celebrate the upcoming TAI album. William had explained it to him-they hadn’t even done anything with it yet. They had barely recorded any tracks; they didn’t have any video ideas. Regardless, the charming bastard had managed to get William a little bit drunker than William would have planned on getting even when there weren’t plans, and so William had woken up with a hangover. The taste of alcohol, cigarettes, and Gabe’s saliva was nauseating this morning, so he was careful to brush his teeth twice. How he had ended up making out with Gabe was beyond him, that part of the evening was a little bit patchy. People had cheered-next thing William had known Gabe was attached at his ear, he was being pushed onto a table, his legs were in the air, a hand was running up his shirt and rubbing at his nipple…then nothing had happened. He would have remembered that.

With the second brushing done, William spit the white foam into the sink and looked back up at the mirror, taking a second to pull at the bags under his eyes. His blood ran cold. The reflection had not moved the way he did. In fact, the reflection had squared off its shoulders, its eyes had flickered with a hint of menace, and William had stared, dumb struck, as he saw the glass spray across the bathroom and watched the fist fly towards him.

Gabe’s Hotel Room
Last night should have been his chance. It had been his opportunity to finally tell William everything. He had wanted the slender figure since the first time he had seen the nervous young man at a Midtown signing, when the kid had stammered, “W-William Be-be-be-beckett” and Gabe had signed his poster. He had wanted to do everything with him, anything for him, and that initial feeling of lust for the pretty boy had grown into an inconceivable adoration. Everything about his Bilvy was perfection, but he still somehow wound up drunkenly making out with him. A drunken make out was nothing. When Gabe had woken up that morning (with much less of an alcohol induced hangover than his friend but a much bigger headache) he had been angry with himself. He had lost another chance-his chance at William. Downtrodden, he had rolled his frame out of the bed, even if just to turn the coffee pot on. A few cups of black coffee later, he heard a knock on his door.

A part of him hoped it would be William, coming to confess his undying love.

A part of him was horribly wrong.

The man standing in the doorway when Gabe opened it made his heart stop. It was his William, smiling at him with his honey coloured eyes sparkling at him. The smile made his knees weak, but the outfit-fuck the outfit made Gabe’s pyjama pants tighter. The pants that William was wearing were tight enough for Gabe to see the dimples in his perfect ass, the leather jacket-god damn that jacket. It had been a long time since William had made him this purely sexually frustrated but everything about him today made Gabe ache for him. His attitude seemed different. He seemed to exude this raw sexuality that was unlike anything Gabe had ever picked up from his meek, shy friend. He was literally strutting as he pushed past Gabe, tossing his hair back as he walked into the hotel room.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in the stu-”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I have more important things to worry about.” Bill turned around, resting his hands on the little table as he leaned back slightly and smirked at him. “I’d much rather be here with you.”

“Oh…kay…why?” Gabe felt a rush of hopefulness swell up in his chest.

“I see the way you look at me…like I’m your cheap little slut that you’d do anything to. You want me, Gabe.” The smirk widened, one eyebrow raising. Gabe couldn’t speak. “You want to fuck me up the ass until I scream like a little bitch, you want me to suck your dick until I choke…you want to make me yours.” Something about those words coming from William’s perfect lips seemed wrong, past being so wrong it was right. If Gabe had his senses, he would have known that something was up-but he only cared about one thing.

“M-maybe…” He said, his mouth suddenly dry as William grabbed his wrist, pulling him into a crushing kiss. It was a mess of tongues, lips and pulled hair, before Gabe was thrown back on the bed and William was straddling him.

“I’m all yours, Gabanti,” Bill hissed into Gabe’s ear as he pulled the scarf from around his neck, looping one end around Gabe’s one wrist and tying it tight, tossing it behind a pole in the headboard and tying the other end around Gabe’s other wrist, just as tight. Gabe could only grin, as Bill’s lips (teeth) marked down his bare chest to his pyjama pants. The long spindly fingers that Gabe had fantasized about pulled them down and tossed them away, trailing so close to his exposed and rock hard cock--

And then they were gone. Bill bounded up from the bed, his long legs taking him across the room in no time as he scoured and found what he could. Gabe watched his jewellery box get emptied into Bill’s pocket, his credit cards and cash taken, and then his beloved Bill walked back over to him.

William smiled sweetly, leaning down to brush his lips against Gabe’s before he sharply slapped him in the face. “Dumb fucker.”

As suddenly as he had arrived, William strutted out of the hotel, leaving Gabe naked, tied to the bed, confused, hurt, and angry.

An hour later, this was exactly where William found Gabe. He had awoken in a daze, watching the legs that should have been his stroll out of his apartment in his clothes. William had followed as quickly as he could, but he had lost him in the streets of Chicago. After an hour of searching, he had decided to ask Gabe if he had seen anything and had stumbled across the scene in the hotel. Gabe stared up at him, eyes wide as he tugged at the tie.

“What the fuck, Gabe?” William asked, looking around the room with an expression of slight disgust as he walked forward, picking the pyjama pants off the floor to throw over Gabe’s still exposed penis. “Isn’t it a little early for this bullshit?”

“You were the one who-” Gabe started, but William stopped him, putting a hand over his mouth and starting to untie the scarf.

“This is mine…” He said weakly, looking down at Gabe once he got a hand free. “He took it this morning, I was going to wear it for the show tomorrow…”

“He?” Gabe asked, drawing his other hand away to untie the scarf. For a moment, he was hating himself-this was the guy who had just used him and stolen everything he owned, but it was still Bilvy…. “What are you talking about?”

William glanced at him and opened his mouth to speak, before shaking his head. “No, you won’t believe me.”

“What makes you say that?”

“If I told you my evil clone broke out of my mirror this morning, would you believe me?” William asked with a frown, placing a hand on his hip. He expected Gabe to roll his eyes and shake his head at him, but he watched as Gabe’s expression changed from confusion to understanding.

“That…makes much more sense…” Gabe said slowly, his eyes flicking up at William’s as he pursed his lips. “Because you were here earlier and…yeahh…” He glanced down at his naked body, awkwardly rubbing at the feeling in his wrists from the rubbing fabric. William looked him over for a moment, resting his head on one hand, before he felt an eyebrow perk.

“Gabe…why were you naked and tied to a bed with my evil clone?” Gabe was quick to look away, his cheeks flushing. William only smiled a little bit wider. “Gabriel?”

“It was…nothing…let’s just…get out of my hotel room so I can get dressed!”

With no ID, no credit cards, no money, William climbed into the passenger seat of Gabe’s rental car and explained to him everything that was supposed to be going on that day. Nobody in the band was answering their phones when he called them, except for one annoyed Sisky who had given a quick yell about Bill’s sudden change in behaviour before hanging up. Gabe had never seen his friend look so defeated. His eyes were downcast, his head leaned back against the head rest. The long legs that Gabe has lusted after for so long were pulled up to his chest, curling his friend into a compact ball. He looked like a child, pathetic and scared. Like he had wondered on many occasions, he wanted to know what was going on behind William’s eyes. There was always something on his mind, his brown eyes distant and off in magical lands. If Gabe learned anything from William’s songs, they weren’t always very happy. He draped a hand on William’s knee, giving it a gentle squeeze as an attempt to lure his friend back to reality.

“We’re going to be okay,” Gabe promised, and William raised an eyebrow at him. “…you…you’re going to be okay, Bill.” Gabe turned back to the road, leaning back with one hand on the steering wheel and the other running through his hair. From the corner of his eye he could see the long man in the seat next to him slowly unfold himself, sit up straighter and the movement of soft brown hair told him that William had turned his head.

“Why were you tied to the bed, Gabe?” Gabe didn’t answer. “Why…why could my doppelganger clone thing come into your apartment, get you naked in the bed, and then steal a-all of your stuff?” That stutter-Gabe set his jaw and didn’t look at him. “Gabe…why do you always touch me, and get me drunk so you can kiss me and just pretend it’s for fun?”

“I’m the only one who’s still on your side, Bilvy. You shouldn’t be asking me so many stupid questions.” Gabe said angrily, with a much sharper tongue than he had intended. He expected to watch Bill recoil, turn away again, but William just shook his head and turned to face him more.

“You’re acting pissed off at me, but you still call me Bilvy! What is going on, Gabriel?” As the name slipped Bill’s lips, Gabe squeezed tighter on the steering wheel. He wanted to grab his face and kiss him, let his tongue slip between those lips and lean the seat back…he wanted to feel William around him, wanted to hear the younger man moan into his ear, he wanted to whisper I love you and hear William say it back.

But he didn’t. He just shook his head and turned his face back to the road, ignoring the question and everything else that William had said. They spent the evening driving around the city, searching for anything, and after coming up short Gabe dropped William off at home and sat outside the apartment. He stared up at the window, watching the silhouette of the emotionally exhausted man destroy his home and trash everything that he owned. A part of Gabe could only wonder how much of his rage was inspired by the clone, and how much was inspired by Gabe.

“Hey…” A groggy Gabe answered his phone after a long night of tormented sleep. He had seen visions of Williams, pulling and prodding at him, grabbing him in places that Gabe had longed for William to grab at, but once he finally let one of them through the real William stared at him with the most disappointed expression the soft features could muster. It was William’s voice, however, that spoke through the phone.

“Hey, what are you doing? I need to be upstate with the guys!” Gabe blinked, sitting up and wiping his eyes as he looked at the cheap alarm clock on the bedside table. His flight back to New York left in three hours. He slipped out of the sheets and slipped into whatever clothes he could find, tucking his wallet (at least the clone hadn’t taken his driver’s license) into the pants and making his way down to where his car was parked. He drove to William’s apartment, where the thin man was standing in front of the apartment and looking even worse off than he had the day before. He didn’t even speak as he slipped into the passenger seat.

“Where are we going, Bill?” Gabe asked, his voice awkward as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. William didn’t look at him.

They travelled in total silence until they got to the venue, Gabe pulling his car up amongst fans and slipped into a secluded parking spot. As the pair climbed out of the car, they moved quickly to avoid anyone who might recognise them-but the tension between them was unlike anything that Gabe had ever felt. He was sure that he had screwed something up between them, that this could be the end of their friendship.

While the pair got a confused look from the security guard, they were able to easily slip past and into the dressing room. The band was already on stage, and the frustrated William stared through the stage door to see his clone prance about on the stage.

“He’s going to ruin me!” William shouted, his voice almost drowned out by the sound of the music. “He’s dancing like an asshole, and he can’t even sing! He keeps hitting all those flat notes.”

“Yeah...that’s…just him.” Gabe said, blinking at the comment before shaking his head and crossing his arms over his chest. He glanced down for a second but as he looked up he saw William walking towards the stage-his hand lashed out and he grabbed hold of William’s wrist, pulling him back.

“Gabe I-” William had begun to protest, but Gabe wasn’t going to pass this up again. He pushed the smaller body up against the wall, attaching himself at William’s lips. When it felt like William was about to pull away Gabe closed his eyes and pressed his body against him, urging the younger male to kiss him back-but then he felt the hips press towards his, fingers tangling into his curls and felt the movement against his lips. He placed his hands on William’s hips, before grudgingly breaking the kiss to the sound of the song ending.

“Go save your band, William.” Gabe said softly, as William pulled away from him and ran onto the stage. Gabe took a deep breath, closing his eyes and turning away as he heard the screams from the audience, the sound of skin hitting flesh. He was the first person on the stage before the security, pulling William away and to his feet, wrapping his arms around the shaking boy as William cried into his shoulder.

It was over.

standalone, gabilliam

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