Seven Minutes in Heaven

Nov 21, 2010 14:13

Title: Seven Minutes in Heaven
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Gabilliam
POV: 3rd, present
Summary: Gabe threw the closet door open and without looking back he left the party. They never spoke of it again.
Disclaimer: Considering the fact Gabe is actually years older than Bilvy and they didn’t go to school together, we can infer that this never happened. Capiche?
Warnings: Seeexxx.
Author's notes: This was written for a request by impossiblecosts . I hope it's what you wanted! <3

It was a high school party. They were fifteen. Somebody said-let’s play seven minutes in heaven! Both boys had grinned widely because, well, they were fifteen. Seven Minutes in Heaven meant the potential to touch Vicky T’s boobs, or the chance to run your hands down the flat curve of Bill Beckett’s sweet ass-but Gabe would never have admitted to wanting to do the second. Everyone wanted to get with Vicky T, but Gabe was the only one who wanted another boy than he did Vicky. It wasn’t his fault…fifteen-year-old William was so handsome and beautiful, his facial features on the perfect balance of masculine and feminine. His body, on the other hand, was all girl, with the exception of his chest, and seeing the way William worked it in his tight pants had sent a sexually frustrated sixteen year old Gabriel to his bedroom early to…deal with it.

Once the kid everyone called only Butcher announced they were going to play Seven Minutes in Heaven, Gabe had glanced at William, who was standing against the wall talking with Adam Siska. Gabe and William were best friends, but so were William and Siska. Sometimes, Gabe had to admit he felt the slightest tweak of jealousy for the other boy, wondering if maybe William felt for Siska what Gabe felt for him-but that was ridiculous. William was straight, as much as it pained the still closeted Gabriel  to think about. The entire room of people (not that big. They weren’t popular, but they weren’t complete losers either) moved to sit on the couch in the living room, fitting all eight or nine of them on one. Legs were thrown over laps, arms were tangled, and then Gabe had heard that all too familiar voice.

“Hey Gabanti. C-can I sit in your lap?” Gabe was so used to things like this making his breathing and his heart stop that he was able to just nod and shrug it off as the skinny boy sat in his lap. This was where things got difficult. As soon as William’s ass connected with Gabe’s thighs he had a sudden image of William’s pale back, his hair plastered to his neck as those beautiful sharp hips were rolling against him and William’s voice was stuttering from pleasure and need rather than-“DUDE.”

All eyes snapped to the pair, as William had hopped off his lap and Gabe was left staring blankly at the wall with a pillow held over his crotch. The worst part was the fact that William was laughing just as hard as everyone else, his pale skin red with his own embarrassment. Gabe was going to die.

“Well…Gabe looks ready to go. Gabe, get the fuck in there.” A pair of hands-Ryland’s, he noted-pushed him to his feet, and as he glanced once quickly back at Ry he had been smirked at. Ryland was the only one who knew, so he knew exactly what had happened there as Gabe awkwardly walked to the hall closet and slipped inside. He hoped that Victoria’s name would be drawn. As much as he was…in like? Lust definitely…was it love? With William, Victoria was still the hottest one of their friends. Probably because she was the only woman.

He leaned against the wall as he heard hoots and hollers from outside, running his hands over his face. The door opened slowly and in the tiny sliver of light from outside Gabe was able to make out that distinct thin figure.

“Somebody put my name in the girl hat!” William laughed, closing the door. Even in the dim light, Gabe could see the other boy was grinning. Laughing. Gabe folded his hands across his crotch.  “I’m t-tempted to bang on the door and make them think much more is going on…” Gabe was dead sober. This was a rarity for him at parties, even at sixteen. Usually he was far gone by now but he just hadn’t wanted to drink anything. William, on the other hand, was gone. Locked in the closet, Gabe decided to maybe…test.

“Or…we could actually…make out or something…” He mumbled, looking down at his shoes as he waited for William’s reaction.

“Whoa…what?” William asked, staring at him. Gabe felt his heart sink. “You actually want to-Gabe, I…this is really awkward.” Gabe’s face burnt and he crossed his arms over his chest. “…did you get the b-b-b-b-b…” The stutter got so bad that Bill stopped actually saying the letter, his mouth just twitching in his jaw as he tried to get out what he wanted to say. Gabe set his own jaw, resting his hand against his cheek as he watched him. “B-boner from me?” William finally managed to choke out, and Gabe just shook his head. “Gabe?”

Gabe threw the closet door open and without looking back he left the party. They never spoke of it again.

A decade passes. Everyone goes their own separate ways from high school, two different bands are formed. The Academy Is and Cobra Starship are signed to the same label, the old friends reunite, old memories are discussed. After a long discussion of everything that has happened in the past ten years, Butcher decides to throw another party-just like back in high school. Gabe had to admit-he was kind of stoked, but it wasn’t until he was getting ready that he remembered the last party. It was the look in William’s eyes, the way he had laughed when he realized what was going on, the way everyone had stared as Gabe had ran from the house. Nobody had ever mentioned it again, but it raised the question as to whether or not people remembered it. Gabe did, but even it had just been a ghost at the back of his mind that reared its ugly head when he was at his lowest. His feelings for William hadn’t gone away, in fact they had only gotten worse, and Ryland was still the only person who knew about it.

Once he got to Butcher’s hotel room, everyone was sitting on the bed, except for Butcher who was leaning against the wall with two hats. Gabe felt a peal of nervous laughter escape from his throat as he glanced from Butcher to William, who was lying back against the bed with his long legs hanging over the edge. In ten years, he had gotten a hell of a lot hotter…he had outgrown his teenage awkwardness to become a man. A man that made Gabe’s pants get a little bit tighter as he flicked his honey eyes up and sent Gabe a smile that could have made any straight man gay.

Gabe looked back up at Butcher. “Seriously, Butch? Seven minutes in heaven? We aren’t fifteen,” He laughed, pouring himself a glass from the display of alcohol on the side table before sitting on the bed next to Ryland.

“Why not?” Butcher laughed, pulling a name from one hat. “HA. Gabe Saporta.” Gabe smirked a little bit, flashing Butcher a quick fangs up as everyone laughed. As he pulled the second name, Butcher laughed even harder, and turned the name to the room. Everyone began to cheer. “GABILLIAM IT IS!”

With a small smirk, William stood up from the bed and walked into the small hotel room closet and Gabe sent a look at Ryland who just smirked at him. It was like the whole room was working against him. He walked into the closet and closed the door behind him, staring at the man he had wanted more than anyone for the last ten years.

“Familiar?” William said with a grin, and Gabe bit his lip.

“I thought you didn’t remember that.”

“Hard to forget, Gabe,” William leaned a little bit closer, and Gabe felt goose bumps pop up all over his skin. He slipped his hand around the back of Gabe’s neck and brought their faces together, and he finally felt William’s lips on his own. His eyes dropped closed as he wrapped his arms around William to bring him closer, suddenly not caring that William might have been able to feel how badly he wanted this.  His hands were tangling in that thick wavy hair, and their hips were together-and goddamn if William didn’t want this as much as he did. He let his hands slip down the curve of William’s skinny back, feeling the bumps of his spine through the fabric…until the button on his jeans was popped and long slender fingers were slipping into his underwear. He began to lose his ability to see straight.

“Will-” Gabe moaned as he felt a hand wrapped around him. Squeeze and pull, tug and twist, his mouth slipped open as he leaned his head back. When he felt William’s hand leave he only whimpered and opened his eyes to watch William begin to pull his clothing off, watching as each boney plain of beautiful skin was revealed. He was dreaming. He had to be. But the naked body that stood in front of him was better than anything he had dreamed. “…you’re…oh god, William…”

“You shouldn’t have run out so fast in high school, Gabe…” William purred softly, grabbing the hem of Gabe’s shirt and slowly pulling it over his head. “I was more than willing to just…make out or something.”

“Something…something…” Gabe pleaded, pulling his pants and his boxers down as he pushed William against the closet wall. He squeezed his pointy hips, leaning into kiss and mark the long pale neck…if the rest of the band didn’t know what they were doing they’d know when Gabe was done. He had been waiting too long to do this to have nobody know it had happened. “Turn around…”

“Not yet, baby,” William moaned, reaching up to the top shelf of the closet to pull down a bottle of lube and all Gabe could do was raise his eyebrows. He was definitely going to have to have a talk with Ryland and Butcher after this, but for now….William had put his foot up against the wall and was coating two fingers as he watched Gabe. Gabe was hypnotized as the other boy pressed two long fingers inside himself-two, without hesitation-and he watched his face show the slightest wince of pain.

“You’ve done this before…” Gabe observed, watching the way the muscles in William’s wrist flexed slightly and the expression on his face change-he knew exactly what William had just done and it made his already painfully hard cock throb even more.

“Always to you, Gabe…never with anyone e-else!” He moaned again as he handed the bottle to Gabe. His hands were fumbling, but he managed to get the slimy substance onto his hands to coat himself. Gabe pressed William’s hands above his head, against the wall, as one leg wrapped around him and he pushed his way inside him slowly. The way William sucked in a slow breath and the way his face contorted was almost enough to distract him from the warm tight squeeze around him. “Maybe…I should have practiced more…”

“Sorry, Bilvy..” He placed his hands on his hips, squeezing them once before kissing him, letting his tongue sneak along his bottom lip as he slowly pulled himself out and pushed back in, earning a slow, deep groan from William’s throat. That was the noise he needed. He felt the clenching around him,  heard the slow keening noises that purred from William’s throat, felt himself begin to move faster. William’s nails were digging into Gabe’s back, clenching tighter with each push back inside, and Gabe knew exaaactly why. He wrapped his hand around the other man’s length, touching him in a way he’d wanted to since they were teenagers, squeezing and twisting as his thumb darted over the head and he had William coming all over his hand. That was it-that was all he needed, and as he tossed his head back and moaned the other man’s name that he had wanted to moan for years. William rode down against him as he came and in that moment when they stood in the dark closet, sweaty, disgusting, wreaking of sweat, Gabe could only stare at him.

With a satisfied sigh, William opened the closet door and looked outside. “They’re all gone…” He purred, walking over to the bed and flopping backwards. Gabe followed slowly, running a hand through his hair.

“Isn’t this…Butch-?”

“Nope. Now…ready to see what I can do on top?”

“You know it-wait, what?!”

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