Even the Beautiful Lose Control

Nov 20, 2010 16:19

He hadn’t been sure about the wording of the text message when he had sent it, but now he was sitting on the couch in his apartment watching the door. He obviously needed to talk to William, and with each second that passed between when he had sent the text and now was driving him crazy. One hand was tangled in his curls, the other was wrapped around a glass of alcohol and some mix that he hadn’t even been sure what he was making. All he knew was that it was booze, and it was way more booze than it was mix. However, when you suddenly wake up and you have a huge relationship with your best friend…you’re allowed to drink.

Before he had sent off the text, he had gone through his phone to try and make some sense of the situation. The text messages in the inbox were the usual banter of romantic couples, but it was when he moved to the saved folder that his eyebrows raised. There were some dirty messages in there-some dirty multimedia messages.  There were pictures on his phone of William, laying sprawled across Gabe’s-their?-bed, the younger man’s tight feminine body clear for the world to see. Gabe felt voyeuristic juts looking at them, but he had a good feeling he had taken them.

He heard a key slip into the lock and his head popped up, as he saw his friend slowly open the door and walk back inside. His mouth was set in a line of frustration and unease, as he looked up at Gabe.

“Are you…” William started, and Gabe had watched his jaw lock in the slight way a stutterer’s did before he began to lose a letter, but William had stopped, biting on his lip and reaching down to play with-he had a ring on his finger. You’re engaged! He had yelled at him, and that had been when the pain had really started to show on his friend’s face. On his…fiancé’s face.

“…we need to talk, Bilvy…” Gabe said softly, sipping his drink and moving over on the couch to tell William to sit next to him. The smaller man just looked down at his shoes as he took the seat, not making eye contact with Gabe. We need to talk probably hadn’t been the best choice of wording. “I…I have no idea what’s going on here.”

Wiliam sighed out through his nose, looking up at him. “Are you…breaking up with me? Because then..I have no idea either, Gabe. We were fine and I have no-w-why are you doing this?” His shield had broken suddenly, and Gabe sucked a breath in through his teeth as he stared at his friend  coming undone in front of him. William rested his head in his hands and let out a sob as Gabe reached to rub his shoulder, but William only pulled away.

“Bill-I’m not breaking up with you, because I don’t fucking know what this is…yesterday, you were with Christine-”

“Christine? Who the fu-”

“And I was alone, and then this morning I wake up and you’re in bed with me. …naked.” Gabe sighed as William looked up at him, looking more frustrated than confused.

“Are you on drugs?”

“No, Bill… I.. fuck.” He groaned, leaning his head back over the back of the couch, staring up at the ceiling. He was going insane and he didn’t even know how to explain it, but he had just closed his eyes when he felt the thin arms wrap around his waist and a head against his shoulder.

“I’m going to humor you and your ‘amnesia’,” Bill said, looking up at him with his goofy crooked smile. Gabe half smiled back.

“It isn’t…amnesia…I have no missing time, it’s just…yesterday I was single, today I’m…with you?” The expression on Gabe’s voice was still one of confusion, though it changed to be completely blank when William had leaned in and the boy’s lips were on the corner of Gabe’s mouth. His long fingers were tangling non-committedly with the hair at the back of Gabe’s neck, and the soft expression in William’s warm caramel coloured eyes made Gabe melt a little. It was the first time since waking up and realizing what was going on that he had thought maybe being with William wasn’t such a bad idea. However, once William had leaned back and was back to a normal expression, all of those feelings were gone. Gabe was straight, William was straight…sure they had made out on stage before, and there had been the occasional shared drunken kiss, but nothing more than that. All guys did that with their friends. Gabe had written a fucking song about it for Christ’s sake.

“You’re with me.” William said softly, holding up his left hand to show the simple silver band on his finger. He slipped it off to hand to Gabe, who turned it over in his hand, getting used to the feel of it. Engraved on the inside it said simply, for you I am blinded. It took Gabe a minute, but he looked back up at him.


“My song? Yeah…I wrote it for you after we got in a really bad fight.” Once again, those long slender fingers were tracking slowly down the side of Gabe’s face, and damn it if Gabe didn’t feel a bit of a reaction through his body. It wasn’t the rush of blood between his legs-that was something he might have been able to deal with. However, the shiver that ran down his back and the way he felt the hair on his arms stand on end made him more than a little bit uncomfortable. He pulled back from William’s fingers, closing his eyes and taking in a slow breath to try and recompose himself.

“How did this happen?” He asked after a moment, opening his eyes again ad tucking his hands into the pockets of his sweater to hide the fact they had started shaking. Everything about this was making him shake, as he thought about everything them being together entailed. The thought of sex was what was making him the most uncomfortable right then…the thought of touching William that way-it was just wrong to him.

“It was during Snakes… we were waiting for Sam Jackson to show up and we just started talking and…I just got a hint from you and I kissed you. Next thing I knew we were back at the hotel between the sheets and we’ve never looked back.” William gave him that crooked smile, as Gabe had to process that information. He remembered the Snakes on a Plane shoot…it wasn’t ahrd to forget. Meeting Samuel L. Jackson, all the fun on the set-but now that he thought of it, he had definitely noticed, even if just in passing, how good William had looked. He had blamed it on how remarkably feminine he had been that day, and there was nothing more, and he remembered the conversation between the two of them. It had just been a stupid every day small talk conversation, but there had been one time when it had seemed like William was about to do something, but it had never happened. Gabe inhaled slowly.

“T-that’s the last thing I remember…?” He said, deciding to just play into the amnesia theory. William just laughed, his hand sliding around to the back of Gabe’s neck and cupping it softly, before pulling him a little bit closer.

“Then let’s see if I can jog your memory…”

pg, gabilliam, even the beautiful lose control

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