Dec 31, 2004 01:15
So I've been spending basically all of my free time (aside from work, which is just lovely!) on my computer...The reason? Church and Creative Labs. Creative Labs has a new product out which is basically the same as the ipod, but with better ratings, prices, and 60 GB (yes, I'm promoting the product...Get on the ball people!) So I have 60 GB worth of space...and not near enough songs to use all of it! As much as I don't like computers...I do like music. So. I'm trying, trying, trying to get these playlists all set up so that I can just enjoy! :) Break has had it's ups and downs...Lately God has been really kicking my butt (I've been forced to hang my head in shame, which isn't often one of my strong points) but even though I don't always like what I'm hearing...I'm trying hard to listen. On the bright side...Tiffany has been in town for like a month, and we have been having a blast...For example...
3 nights ago-We bought fireworks...went to the beach...shot them off (okay, Trey shot them off in our direction, but still! We should be credited for our outstanding financial, it was our idea!) Then, we went to Tiffany's house and baked chocolate chip cookies with Fruity Pebbles in them (my idea! I should sell that idea!) And John Russel and Daniel Signore(who does the MOST INCREDIBLE IMPERSONATION OF NEOPOLEON DYNAMITE EVER!!!!) Came over and we watched hours of Family Guy.
THE NEXT NIGHT-We decided to continue with the fireworks theme...but the guys wanted to kick it up a we bought a box of fireworks...then we bought a can of lighter fluid...then we proceeded to a VERY SECULDED BEACH. The guys decided not to even take the fireworks out of the box, but to spray the ENTIRE CAN OF LIGHTER FLUID on the box...well, the girls backed up (more like ran) a very good distance...When the fireworks were done...there was still a the guys decided that THEY WANTED MORE OF A SHOW!!! So completely ignoring mine and Tiffany's objects...Trey ran and threw the spray can into the fire (with impressive accuracy, I must admit) WELL LADIES AND GENTS, When the cans say "KEEP AWAY FROM FLAME" they really mean it! We experienced a mushroom cloud explosion...and even though Tiff and I were upset that the boys did something so stupid and dangerous against our will...we thought it was really cool...So basically it was something like..."NO! NO, YOU DON'T TREY! DON'T YOU DARE LISTEN TO THOSE BOYS!!!GET BACK OVER HERE!!! TREY YOU ARE IN SOME DEEP...Dang, that's awesome!!!!" Only to complete that night with some boxing, and playing a pirate game.
I hope you guys have a fantastic New Year's!!! I would encourage you to try and make a resolution of staying in the word more...or something to that effect...whatever God calls you to do! Even if you don't like it too much! ;) ;) ;) Oh yeah, AND DON'T PLAY WITH FIRE!!! :) :) :)