when it really counts.

May 20, 2008 21:21

In times past, we used to talk about the last, the lost and the least. And how we are called to serve these out of love, out of service. Perhaps because it really isn't much of a choice, but our duty as who we are.

At meetings, I have heard sharings from my own jumiors (no less) and how they struggled in their own way to stand up for what is right. Despite the fact that I myself hadn't faced such difficulties at the time, I smiled inwardly at the good job we did at instilling our juniors with the exact values we held in highest esteem.

But now that the very same challenge stares me in the face, I'm not so sure anymore. I think values need to stretched, trialed and wrenched. Just like gold that's tested in fire. True, gold melts in fire. But that's when it can be moulded and forged, like our own character under the intense heat of pressure, to the persons that we truly are or want to be once we're out of the furnace.

There is always the pressure to take the well-worn road, to go with the flow even if it's incongruent with our belefs; just so as to preserve ourselves, that we may remain well-liked, popular or accepted as long as we conform and behave the way our peers want us to. We just need to give them what they want to see, don't we?

Then what about those at the bottom no one really cares to befriend? The irritating attention-seeker perhaps? Or the empty vessel we just can't stand? Maybe we're all selfish people and the reason why we don't bother with these seemingly worthless relationships with the people at the bottom is because they aren't gonna give us anything back in return. In fact, they'll do us more harm than good. What if our popular friends won't hang out with us anymore? Is the desire to be well-liked so strong we're willing to go blind on our values?

This is where we're called to be greater persons, isn't it? A man/woman with a higher virtue and good. Not the easy way, but the right way; not the road that promises favours and status, but one that might bring even suffering and contempt.

Strong enough? FSC.


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