I want you to want me...

Dec 14, 2005 14:46

List ten things you want to say to people but know you never will. (Note: This might be something you'd say to one person, but you mean it to someone else)

01. Why is it that everytime I try to talk to you about how I feel you turn around and make it about you and your problems. Why can't you just be a real friend and listen for once???

02. It's just strange how well I know you, and how well you know me. A little spooky at times that we can be so alike, although we are different in other ways. I think sometimes you know me better than any of my normal friends do.

03. I'm anorexic. Deal with it. I'm not getting better. I'm getting worse. You want me to pretend everything is okay in my life by burying you head in the sand, but get a clue it's not. I will not pretend I'm doing fine when I'm not. I just can't do it anymore. So get over it.

04. I don't believe in marriage. You do. I love you enough to step away from my beliefs, and marry you. I will not regret it but do not see it as a necessity. To me it is just a piece of paper. You ask me why I am holding off marrying you...I just don't believe we need rings and a preacher to celebrate our love.

05. I'm not as strong as you think I am. When you cut me I bleed, and when you're not around I cry. You tell me that sometimes you think I'm made of stone, emotionless. I'm not. I just don't like showing my tears, as I was raised to believe that crying in front of someone is a weakness.

06. I'm not going to change. Deal with it.

07. I'm angry at you. Angrier than I have ever been at anyone. You were my own blood, and you turned your back on me when I needed you most. You turned your back on your whole family, and I hope it's worth it. If something should happen don't come crawling to me for help because you have hurt me too deeply. You have said things about the man I love, said hurtful things about me, but more than anything you have hurt my parents.
Do yourself a favor and get some balls for once in your life.

08. I'm still attracted to you too. I truly believe that this is a dangerous thing. I honestly thought that my feelings for you were dead and buried, but recently I realised there is still that spark. You recently told me you still loved me. Well I love you too. I will always love you. You were my soulmate, my everything but you chose your career and I moved on.
As much as I still love you, I love another now and he loves me. It is so different to the love we shared. While our was calm, and rarely stormy life with this man would not be. We are both stubborn, tempestuous, fiery and our relationship is the same. But you know what? I would not have it any other way. This man makes me feel alive. He makes me want to be a better person. He makes me want to live.
And he has been my rock, my strength when I was weak and if you think I risk that because you said you loved me, or because I still find you attractive you're wrong.
Don't get me wrong. Like I said part of me will always love you and I hope you are a part of my life forever, but this man means everything to me. He's the air that I breathe, and the one I want to raise children with and spend the rest of my life with.

09. Why is it so hard for us to spend time together- we're family yet we can barely tolerate being in the same room as each other for more than two hours. Is it because we are so alike, or because we are so vastly different? I don't know but it saddens me.

10. I'm not like you. I will never be like you. I'm my father's daughter in everyway. And that's not a bad thing.
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