if heaven was needing a hero

Aug 23, 2005 20:04

I just woke up about an hour ago. I fell asleep after starting to read my PR notes, which shows you how stimulating PR is. The boy woke me because he cooked me dinner. Dinner was rib-eye steak, and carrot, potato and Kumara. Not bad.
Apparently he's decided that he is going to have to cook for me from now on, so I actually eat proper food. Health freak that he is, he knows I'm not eating properly and really told me off for it.
But I think his cooking for me is a nice idea, but realistically I need to cook for myself.
He did tell me that if Kirsten decides not to live here next year, then I am definitely living with him since he doesn't want me living on my own. He's worried my condition will deteriote more living by myself.

He also told me that under no circumstances was I to go to Uni tomorrow. He wants me to call my lecturers, explain to them that I have anorexia and can't attend because my energy levels are awful, and spend the day concentrating on my assignment and resting.
The boy is suddenly getting bossy, but in this situation I think he has the smart idea.
I don't want to tell my lecturers what is wrong with me. It was hard enough to do that this morning, but I think he has a good point. I can't deny that I am not getting better, nor is it easy for me. I don't want special consideration when it comes to my assignments, but I may just have to get them.

So I'm going to rest tonight, and work on my assignment all day tomorrow. It won't take me long to get it done, and I figure I can then hand it in Thursday. I didn't really want to have to go up to Uni on Thursday, but there is no way I am going to get it done tomorrow. Not with the way I am feeling right now. I just want to curl up and go to sleep again.

I can't get over how tired I am. Sophie said to me that she knows from witnessing her sister go through this, that if I don't improve it won't be long before I need to go to hospital.
That made me cry. I don't want to hear that, although I know she is only telling me what I need to hear and know.
I will get better. I will push myself to get better.
I will listen to my nutritionist and start eating three meals a day and snacking. I won't let myself get any worse than I am already. I will not let this kill me.
I have too much to live for. I have a boyfriend who loves me for me, and who I love completely. I have friends and family who have supported me in their own ways through this crisis and through everything that has happened in my life.
I will not let this take over my life. Granted it already has but I am stronger than this.

Having said that I am going to crawl back into bed, watch something and then try for an early night. I seem to need a hell of a lot of sleep lately.

sweet dreams

eating disorder, personal

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