Missing you

Jul 08, 2005 19:14

So I'm in Melbourne for my mother's birthday. Or more so her birthday is Sunday, but we are going out tomorrow night.
I came up early this morning. Despite the late night I decided to come up early so that I could go to Southland and buy mum something extra for her birthday.
I ended up getting her jewellery. I bought her an initial pendant with a silver necklace to go with it as a present. On top of that I also made her up a container of her favourite lollies, some incense, and some music cds of her favourite music.
So there you go.

I caught up with Ben this afternoon, and told him I was engaged. He looked a little shocked. I hadn't told him, but he was thrilled for me and S. He hugged me close, and told me S was a lucky guy, and it couldn't have happened to a better couple.
That made me feel better than when my best friend laughed his ass off over it all.

I spoke to my Grandpa tonight, and made sure he's alright. He lives in London, so we wanted to make sure that he's okay and everything. I ended up speaking to him for a while, and telling him about the business and that S and I were engaged. He was thrilled about both, and told me it was good to see that I was settling down with that 'strapping lad'. Hahaha. He calls S the strapping lad or He-man, which is kind of funny. Cute too.

Tomorrow I'm going to spend the day with my parents, and try not to think about how much I miss the boy. It's the first time in ages we're going to spend this much time apart. It sucks LOL. Part of life though I guess.
I showed the parents the site tonight, and they seemed suitably impressed although my dad kept telling me that once Uni is over at the end of the year I will need to get a job.
No shit. I thought I'd just let S get me pregnant and become a baby machine. NOT! I'm not stupid, and I wish sometimes that my parents will give me some credit. They forget that until I was 25 I was working fulltime and juggling TAFE. I'm not stupid. I know what I have to do.
Ugh. They drive me nuts.

I'm using my dad's computer, so I am going to have to remember to get rid of the history, as the last thing I want is for him to read my diary!!! I already have Ben doing that.
I still have so many people to tell that I am engaged. I need to tell Jase. I should call him and tell him. I will. Eventually.
Oh we told S' parents and they were thrilled too. S' mum was so wonderful about it, and told me that she was hoping that we would eventually get married and that she wouldn't want anyone other than me as her daughter in law. Um...she has two other sons, but I got what she meant.
She truly made me feel welcome, and has since we started dating. She's a treasure, and I really am glad to have someone like her as my inlaw.

I'm pissed off with my brother. He's decided not to come out for my mum's birthday simply because his wife doesn't like me and doesn't want to be there if I am there. Dad thinks she's scared of me.
It's ridiculous. She needs to get over herself, and stop making life difficult for my parents. She's isolating my brother from them, and my brother is stupid enough and weak enough to allow it. It pisses me off. I am sick and tired of it because he constantly hurts my parents with his behaviour and thinks it's okay.
He cut me deeply when I e-mailed him to tell him I have anorexia and he didn't bother to reply, or even call and ask how I was doing. It would have even meant something to me if he had called my parents and asked them how I was like my sister did. But he didn't, and for that alone I will never forgive him.
He has issues, and I'm through with it with him. I'm sick and tired of him hurting me, and I'm just done with it. No more. I will not allow him to make me feel inferior anymore, or to be treated like crap. For that alone I don't bother with him.


Originally shopping today I ended up buying new lingerie. When I went down from a 12 to an 8-10 I also lost weight in my back, so my bras strap at the back ended up high on my back because it was too big. The funny thing is that I went down in back size and up in cup size. That is amusing, but since then I've been trying to find a bra in my size that wasn't an astronomical price like at bras and things, and in the end bought them at B and T today. They were having a sale, but that means I can get rid of the ones that ride up thank god!!!

Enough said. I'm going to go see what the parents are watching, and relax.

sweet dreams


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