Title: More or Less: A huge Spike/Faith, Connor Ensemble Post Chosen AR “Angel Season 5” fic
Author: Strange bint
Email: strangelilgrrl75@aol.com
Show: Angel, Buffy
Rating: PG-13
Category: Action/Adventure, Character Study, Drama, Romance, Series
Warnings: het, language, violence
Characters: Connor, Dawn, Faith, Other
Pairings: Connor/Dawn, Faith/Spike
Faith/Spike, Connor/Dawn, (Sahjahn, Magic vs. Science, fate, destiny, evil plans, magic, power)
Latest Chapter Summary: Spike still lies in a coma at the Wolfram and Hart Hospital. While Connor and Dawn debate what led Spike to this fate, Faith has plans to end it. Meanwhile, others debate and plan for Faith's fate.
(Sahjahn, Magic vs. Science, fate, destiny, evil plans, magic, power)
Season 1:
http://www.strangebint.com/forgetchapters.html Season 2:
http://slayerfanfic.com/viewstory.php?sid=9779 Chapter 15: