Feb 10, 2008 20:32


(한경 + 최시원)

I'd like to start off by saying that I could totally sing 'happy birthday' to Hankyung in Chinese and he would get it. Shut up, okay? That makes me super excited. Next, I'd like to thank both Hankyung and Siwon for being totally inseparable because it made finding pictures of the both of them a hell of a lot easier than I thought it would be. I have no idea why, it's obvious how much they adore one another and Heechul.

Normally, I would gush and go on and on about how much I love the both of them, but I think I do that enough everyday that I'd really just be repeating myself. Besides, I don't really think I have enough words to describe how much I love them. Together. Apart. Whatever! I truly adore them. ♥ ♥ ♥ And you should all know how much.

And for my sake, lets pretend that Hankyung's birthday is today. Or else I will cry.

It's always necessary for me to start with this picture when it comes to anything involving them. It's really. I don't know, it's love. ♥


Is it just me, or does that baby totally have a look of ALL U HOES IS JUSS JELUS. Because like, I really am.

No idea what's being discussed here, but it's one of those pictures I loveee!

And I love this one because of Siwon's expression. He's smiling, but it definitely looks like he's making some sort of face. Which is another thing I love about Siwon! I mean, can anyone really beat his facial expressions? They're seriously the best ever. ALONG WITH ALL HIS HAND GESTURES. Oh, Siwon. Keep on keeping on, darling. ♥

It's probably best that I not go into great detail about how much I love Hankyung. No, but really. I've loved a lot of celebrities in my life, but I don't think anyone can measure up to Hankyung. Adrian Pasdar is a very close second, but Hankyung's got him beat. fdfdj oh crap. I sound really lame, don't I? HANKYUNG, DON'T EVER STOP BEING YOU. Because you are amazing and I'll always think so! No matter what. ♥ <333

And to bring this to a closing! Heechul! Making both Hankyung and Siwon embarrass themselves.

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There are far too many birthday's this month. I'm still shunning myself for missing Yunho's. ):
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