i ship kibum and donghae so hard right now. i've been watching videos of kibum and donghae since i got online and dear god. HOW HAVE I MISSED THEM ALL THIS TIME?! ugh.
i think this video alone proves everything. donghae tries to pull kibum's chair closer to him and kibum's tries at being a goofy buttface and scoots away from him and donghae like, YANKS his chair back and ksdjlkad. apparently kibum belongs to him and only him. shrugs. I DON'T MIND. :D
besides, i love pictures like this:
i always feel that a very intimate conversation is being held.
it reminds me of the YOOSU~♥ picture i saw like that. except, you know. they were a lot closer and in a store and it kind of looked like they were planning something special that night. CONDOMS IS THE BIG IDEA.