Robyn: Chandra, daughter of Benedict [not really, but only Benedict knows that]
David: Delwin, a la Edward Elric of FullMetal Alchemist
Stephen: Tristan, Delwin and Sand's older brother
Britt: Tanaquil, daughter of Flora, mistress of the Pattern
Jim: Colin, son of Deirdre, raised by Benedict, 2nd in Warfare [I'm 3rd. Benedict is 1st.]
Kat: Siofra, some sidhe witch from Shadow married to Corwin, [which sounds slightly familiar, just with a different Faiellan]
Chris: Geoffrey, son of Corwin and stepson to Siofra
Jason: cast of thousands
this game takes place pre-Corwin series, with some significant changes based on the characters. of greatest note is Corwin's marriage to Siofra, which coincided with Deirdre's marriage to Siofra's older brother Lugh in the super duper Shadow where they're all from. Corwin isn't formally acknowledged as heir, but he has acted as Regent in times past when Oberon has been away from Amber. Eric does not have a base of power, because with Corwin's stronger position of apparent heir, all of his potential allies went elsewhere. Siofra has been gathering up allies for her-- er, uh for Corwin's consolidation of power.
so Oberon has been gone from Amber for a while, and Siofra or Corwin [I'm guessing Siofra] called a family meeting to "discuss" what's going to happen next. the upshot, Corwin wants to declare himself [or Siofra wants to have Corwin declare himself, it's hard to say] Regent. there was some consternation about this. Eric didn't come to the meeting, and instead decided to march on Amber with a significant army. an army that obviously he hadn't just whipped up in the past couple days since the meeting was called.
Benedict did not come to the family meeting. Chandra trumped him, as he requested, but did not get through. so the meeting was kind of broken up by some discussion as no one really wanted to take charge. I think the GM was kind of keeping Corwin in the background in case one of the PCs would step forward with a strong opinion one way or another. Chandra [me] was a bit more concerned about the army marching on Amber and on not being able to reach her dad.
so I trumped Eric and told him that he was only making the situation worse. he agreed to come to the meeting. Corwin declared himself Regent anyway. Eric left in a huff. Chandra, Siofra, and Colin went to Benedict's Shadow and discovered... something. I couldn't get in the Shadow, nor could we communicate with it. so I called in Tristan to see if he could discern what was going on, and Tristan called in Tanaquil. not being of any use in this situation, Siofra and Colin went back to Amber, and Chandra left the Pattern geeks to their work and went to take over Eric's army. Colin went out to gather up his own army, because all the cool kids are getting armies.
Tristan and Tanaquil managed to, um, undo whatever it was that was blocking off Benedict's Shadow. Bad Things briefly happened [have to make note to talk to Tristan and Tanaquil about that sometime]. basically, the Pattern disappeared for a few seconds, and then went supercharged for a short bit. kind of like damming up a river and then having the dam blow. some people passed out, Tanaquil and Tristan were blown into strange Shadows. one of the Redheads' experiments got a little fritzed. it was all very dramatic.
Benedict was okay, though, which is almost too bad. *chuckle* not that I want my character's dad to be blown up during the first session, but now the GM has to decide what to do with Benedict. he said he had planned for Ben to be out of the picture for a few sessions at least, but since Tanaquil and Tristan worked together on the thing surrounding the Shadow, and because Britt used her crazy math skillz against it... he had to let them succeed.
Chandra updated Benedict on current affairs [because Tristan wasn't too coherent at the time]. another family meeting was called. Benedict let us know that Oberon [who apparently has gone off the reservation] thinks that because there has been relatively little conflict in Amber for many hundreds of years, the current crop of Amberites is weak. he wants to stir up some conflict and see who survives. Oberon instigated Eric's march on Amber, and we suspect he has given some orders to Caine. we also have no idea what all else Oberon might rally against Amber and more specifically his children/grandchildren, in order to weed out the undesirables.
meanwhile, we have to decide on the power structure at home, though Corwin has already officially declared himself Regent, much to some people's chagrin. there is some consternation about who will actually rule if Corwin holds the reins - Corwin or Siofra. Chandra is concerned, even though Chandra is friendly with Siofra. Siofra isn't really a worry so much as Siofra's baggage [parents, other Shadow interests from her home, etc.]. I'm wondering whether Corwin's children with Siofra will survive. I might have to remove them from the picture.
[meanwhile, Delwin was busy away from the group during the whole session, getting himself embroiled in some sort of situation with the Redheads. he and Sand are involved in some sort of research project with the Redheads, the results of which would probably not be good. Delwin and Chandra have been in communication, and Delwin has asked for Chandra's help, in the event of a dire need arising.]
End of session 1.