and there was much rejoicing

Oct 22, 2009 08:40

so this week was the LCME site visit here at the old college of medicine. the LCME is the accrediting body for medical schools, and as anyone who has been through an accreditation process knows, there was a lot of prep and stress for the past several months. luckily, in my current job, I didn't see much of that.

the good news is that apparently there were no major issues noted at the end of the visit. we won't get the official written report for several months, but the things cited by the reviewers at the end of the visit yesterday were relatively few and apparently fixable.

even better news, though, is that the office where I work was cited as one of the five major strengths in the college. as my boss and the director of our office put it, the office is a strength especially in terms of academic productivity, as a resource to the college, and a resource to the state of Iowa.

so that's pretty awesome. it means we might continue to get funding, too, and that's also a great thought. *chuckle*

additionally, apparently we didn't get dinged on education for resident teachers, like many institutions do. the college has a training program here to help residents be good teachers, and sure enough, it's one of the programs we run out of our office. go us!


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