thanks for all the well wishes and positive thoughts. yesterday was a very rough day. up, down, up, down, and around and around.
I didn't get an email update from Mom last night, because she stayed at the hospital all night. I imagine she asked their friend Dennis to look in on Gus, who conveniently enough has a doggie door and is pretty self-sufficient.
naturally, since she's there by herself and all, she's not taking care of herself. yesterday the only things she ate were a piece of coffeecake, a piece of chocolate cake, and coffee.
way to keep up your strength, there.
anyhow, he seems to be holding his own, and had a good night last night.
of course, I heard from more family members last night than I have for the past five months. first, Mark called while I was mowing the lawn. he wanted to know about funeral arrangements. he was thinking of going to Texas this weekend to help Mom start dealing with that. I gather Dad wasn't doing so well right then. I assured him that the groundwork has been laid, even if the details haven't been worked out. I have to call the funeral home today to make sure I understand a few points correctly, but other than that, there's not much to be done that can't wait another day or week if Dad pulls through.
after I was done mowing and showering and eating cookies and stuff, I tried calling the hospital, but the line to Dad's room was busy. so I waited and called back. still busy. I got ready for bed, and was getting ready to move the phone into our bedroom, when it rang. Chris had just gotten off the phone with Mom and told me I was supposed to call her. okay.
I moved the phone, and tried calling. Mom was on the phone. I started feeling like I was getting to know the night receptionist, Rita. I did a sudoku, and tried again. still busy. then the phone rang. Bryan had just gotten off the phone with Mom. he also was considering whether to go to Texas, but had decided against it.
that's such a difficult call to make. should we go, or shouldn't we? none of us really has the resources to make countless trips to Texas whenever Dad is having a bad time. I had to keep biting things back that didn't really need to be said, because it's done now and I need to let it go. I just need to let it go, accept that they're in Texas, and deal with the helplessness that entails.
after that, I called Mom, and we chatted a bit. Dad was doing okay at the time. she still hadn't gotten anything worthwhile to eat, even though their friend Mildred called and offered to bring over some soup or something. didn't work, of course. I'll have to thank Mildred.
sleepy sleep. got up, got ready for work, and called Mom about 7:30. Dad had a very good/quiet night and seems to be doing pretty well. his fever spiked during the night again, but if he was okay when the nurses went through at 8:00, they would probably go home. so we'll see.
maybe it was the boat, and not the helicopter.