Feb 11, 2013 21:32
On Saturday, Mum came over and Alex had his usual fun with Granny, including looking horrified and pressing himself into her legs when he thought I was going to take him away! We took him out for a walk with one of his spades and he had a wonderful time digging the ice off the puddles with it. I made a pile of really thick pieces, picked him up and pile drove him into it, he thought it was hilarious!
I made a Alexanders, lemon and turkey stew for dinner, followed by cherry and mascarpone baked pancakes, had a nice evening, a few beers, then went to bed and threw back up what didn't come out the other end. I have no idea why I was so ill, no-one else was. I suspect it was hormonal as my periods started soon after, but being that ill suggests I am very stressed at the moment. I guess with Ron, Alex's testes, interviews for the Children's centre and all I am possibly a bit more on edge then I thought, but it was still extremely annoying having to clean up after myself when I was feeling so ill. I'll take it as a warning!
On Sunday, Mum was good enough to take Alex for a while so I could take my cramps back to bed! She took him out on the Pway trolley with Simon and walked him back, so he was pretty tired by the time I got him back. Mum left at 15:30, so Alex and I had a very quiet afternoon. He had fun with his Dad and David while I packed and finished off dinner. Alex then had a shower with his Daddy, and actually went to sleep, rather then lying in bed shouting he wasn't going to sleep as he was going in the car, like the last few Sundays!
Today we have been over to Monday Monkeys in Haxby with Cath and Amelia. It was great and Alex really enjoyed it, especially when Xander turned up with Lindsey. They were being really cute and cuddling each other, when they fell over and took a load of kids with them in domino effect! We were supposed to be going out after lunch to a dance thing at Haxby, but Alex was so tired he didn't want to go. He has been fairly ratty all afternoon, and I tired to go and sort out the attic without him but he insisted on helping. Eventually he gave up and went downstairs and when I finally got downstairs it was eerily quiet, and I couldn't find him, he wasn't answering my call. Then I found him spark out on the sofa! He woke up after a few minutes, but he was still tired and groggy. We had an easy supper as he didn't want me to leave him. Its odd that when I make kedgeree its packet microwave rice, but home smoked mackerel!
After I'd got Alex to bed Janet rang. Its about the longest conversation I've had with her, talking about Ron and funeral arrangements. I think the arrangements are all in place, and Simon's nephews are coming too, so Alex should be OK with 2 short services and a lunch in a private room. Janet was really cagey about telling me about the memorial service, mainly as its in her local church and she knows I avoid them, but I go for weddings and funeral, to observe not to worship.
children's center,