Kind of a ridiculous day.

Jun 23, 2005 22:30

So this morning I was supposed to meet The Bro for coffee at 8 am (this is something we do fairly frequently, meet for a coffee before going to work). So I got to the coffee shop, and got my coffee and a slice of zucchini raisin bread. I sat there for about 10 minutes, and he wasn't showing up. So I called him and he's like, "Oh, hey, yeah, I totally spaced it...and I don't think I'll make it, because your phone call woke me up." Oh, ok, great. So I left the house early and bought this coffee for naught. Whatever.

So I thought to myself, "well, that's ok, I'll just go to work a little earlier than I had planned." So I drove through the construction (what a BITCH), and parked my car in the lot. Well, I had a lot of things that I had to take inside (my usual purse and work bag, the bag with zucchini raisin bread in it, my coffee, and a bag of food for our office food drive), so I decided to go around to the other side of the car to grab it all. Well, I had put my keys in my purse, then proceeded to lock the doors (as is my usual habit)--leaving the keys inside. I went to the passenger side and tried to open the door, and it was at that point when I realized all of my goods were still in the car. Damn. Fortunately, I had grabbed my office keys out of my purse, so I was able to go inside and call AAA. So. Called them and realized the whole situation could be a lot worse--if I was late to be somewhere, if it was winter, if I hadn't made it to work yet, if I didn't have access to a phone (my cell was in my purse, in the car), if I was somewhere unsafe, etc. Still, not a very auspicious start to the day. AAA told me they'd have someone there in 45 minutes. One of my coworkers said, "Maybe the guy will be cute." I said I wasn't going to hold my breath. Well, they called a little after 9 and said they were on their way. So I went down to the parking lot and the tow truck got there. About 30 seconds after the truck pulls in, the CEO drives in. So she walks up and is like, "What's going on?" I had to ashamedly tell her I had locked my keys in the car (for the first time in my life, I might my own defense). As it turned out, the tow truck guy was kind of cute.

So I got my stuff out of the car, went back in the office and got ready for a thrilling day of meetings. I had new employee orientation--never mind that I've been there for almost 10 months now. It was an extreme amount of sitting and listening. My ass fell asleep. By noon, all I wanted to do was get out of the office. I decided I wanted to go to QDoba, because I was in the mood for a burrito. So I conned the other youngster-MS into going with me. A pleasant time was had by all. We were supposed to work on our crafts for craft group at lunch, but didn't really feel like sitting anymore.

Yesterday we did our crafts (tile mosaic things) during lunch, and after we were finished, Self-Disclosure Sally (new employee who makes me uncomfortable with her random comments and inappropriate amount of self-disclosure--she is also my age) came in to eat her lunch and she said, "So do you have like a craft club or something?" We explained that it's a group of people from the office who thought it might be fun, and we usually did it in the evenings at people's houses, but this time it worked better to do it here, and we also usually have it in the evenings, and she was invited to join us if she would like. She said, "Oh, ok...I was thinking that doing crafts during lunch hour is kind of pathetic." What?!? I wanted to say, "Don't talk to me about being pathetic, missy--I'm not the one who's afraid of people!" But I figured that wouldn't be very nice, so I held my tongue. My other thought: wouldn't it be more pathetic to say that you do craft group with people from work in the evenings on your own time, inferring that you have no better way to spend your free time than doing crafts with people you see all day every day at work? (Don't get me wrong...I like MOST of my co-workers a lot, and do enjoy having craft group with them.)

Well, the afternoon came and went with a continuation of the meetings for the morning. Then I left, stopped by The Bro's place of work and bought a pair of sandals (they're fabulous--they were originally $22, but the sale price plus his discount caused me to get them for $8--woo hoo!). They're very cushy, and I fully expect them to conform to my foot. Then he gave me the number of one of his co-workers who lives in a house and is looking for a roommate. Called her and left a message, and she called me back later.

For dinner, I had a Point Beer (yup, still left from the camp reunion--but it was the last one) and an ice cream bar. (It's hot, and I was still full from the lunch burrito.) I've decided that maybe I should stop asking myself, "Is this what my life has become?"

So the potential roommate called me back, and I went over there to check it out. Unfortunately, it wasn't what I was looking for. Again, it was too small. The bedroom was tiny and would only have accommodated my bed and maybe dresser. I'm a girl with a lot of furniture. I think one of my good friends (who wouldn't mind having a roommate) should move to Madison and be my roommate. Any takers?

Actually, I've pretty much decided that I'm going to stay where I am, and try to talk them into letting me keep the same rent (yeah, I don't think that's realistically gonna happen, either).

Then I made s'mores bars for the cookout in Appleton tomorrow. (Love operating the oven in my 85-degree's times like these when I miss the cold, concrete walls of my apartment at the Commie-Chic CSM Hotel.)

I then pretended to clean my apartment, but am really lacking the ambition because it's too damn hot.

Hope you all have fabulous weekends--I'm off to Appleton, then to a wedding in Philly. Good times.
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