New York

Jul 31, 2009 10:56

I am back from New York! I didn't take a lot of pictures and also my poor arm that was trying to recover got kind of agitated lugging huge bags of books all over the city. So I'm not up for using the mouse much to retrieve a few lame pictures I did take. You're not missing much!

So, I went to Bloomsbury and had a rather brief tour of the place. It's probably a good thing it was brief anyway because it seemed like it was just meeting a bunch of people who told me they loved my book. Which is completely surreal. It was cool to see the offices with books everywhere. There are some alternate photos of the Magic Under Glass cover hanging up in my editor's office and it was also cool to see those. And in the some of the photos the dress has this beautiful lace overdress thing, but I do like the one they went with the best.

Also, I got to see my UK cover and it's very different but I also love it. I need to check if it's okay to share yet, but I will when I can.

My editor took me to a nice Indian restaurant -- well, make that a *very* nice Indian restaurant. I always feel slightly like a hick at these places, like, Gee gosh, a hot towel! My idea of an expensive restaurant is $12.95, haha. And if you're really feeling crazy, sharing a dessert. The dinner was very delicious, we had a prix fixe meal with all sorts of little things to try. We must have been there for almost 3 hours talking. We definitely share an interest in fashion. =D And I told her about all the crazy changes Magic Under Glass went through over two years! Totally different book now than it was in the beginning...

I left feeling like I was in very good hands, even more than I already felt. It's nice to put faces--and, like, vibes--to names.

I also got to hang out with some writer peeps but I will save that for the next entry. I have some things to catch up on around here!

publication journey, travel

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